Access To Justice Commission

Supreme Court Rule 50 -- The Access To Justice Commission was created by the Supreme Court to develop a strategic plan for improving access to justice in Tennessee that shall include education of the public, identification of priorities to meet the need of improved access to justice, and recommendations to the Supreme Court of projects and programs the Commission determines to be necessary and appropriate for enhancing access to justice in Tennessee.


Joy Radice
Knoxville, TN

Amber Floyd
Memphis, TN

Sara E. Barnett
Jackson, TN

Adolpho A. Birch, III
Nashville, TN

Monty Burks, Ph.D
Nashville, TN

McKenna L. Cox
Johnson City, TN

Lindsay Theobald
Union City, TN

Kendra Mansur
Chattanooga, TN

Junaid Odubeko
Nashville, TN

Judge Dwight Stokes
Sevierville, TN

Supreme Court Liaison
Justice Mary L. Wagner
Supreme Court Building
401 Seventh Avenue North
Nashville, TN  37219-1407

AOC Staff Contact
Anne-Louise Wirthlin, Esq.
Assistant Director; Director of Access
to Justice & Strategic Development
Administrative Office of the Courts
Nashville City Center, Suite 600
511 Union Street
Nashville, TN 37219
Phone: (615) 741-2687
Fax: (615) 741-6285

Kyle Stack
Pro Bono Coordinator: Manager TN Faith &
Justice Alliance
Administrative Office of the Courts
Nashville City Center, Suite 600
511 Union Street
Nashville, TN 37219
Phone: (615) 741-2687
Fax: (615) 741-6285

Alyvia Bush
Justice Bus Coordinator
Administrative Office of the Courts
Nashville City Center, Suite 600
511 Union Street
Nashville, TN 37219
Phone: (615) 741-2687
Fax: (615) 741-6285