In June 2023, the Tennessee Supreme Court established a Court System Information Technology Oversight Committee to assist the Court in developing a strategic plan for the use and maintenance of technology in Tennessee’s judicial system and in overseeing implementation of that plan. The members of the Committee include general sessions judges, trial judges, appellate judges, and court clerks from across the State, as well as the Director and the Chief Technology Officer of the Administrative Office of the Courts.
Committee Goals
In 2023, the Tennessee Supreme Court created the Court System Information Technology Oversight Committee, headed by Justice Sarah Campbell, to bring together a variety of stakeholders and participants in Tennessee’s justice system to discuss the challenges and opportunities that technology presents for our justice system. The next year, Governor Lee and Tennessee’s General Assembly provided funds for our Administrative Office of the Courts, under the leadership of Director Michelle Long, to partner with the Department of Finance and Administration’s Strategic Technology Solutions to develop a plan for statewide e-filing and other related technological improvements to the court system.
Under Justice Campbell’s capable leadership, the Technology Oversight Committee has produced this Strategic Plan to deploy scalable technology solutions statewide, establish connectivity, enable digital operations, capture data for policymakers, and allow the public to access the court system virtually. The Strategic Plan is intended to inform the AOC’s planning and guide decisionmakers.
Bravo to the Technology Oversight Committee for its thorough and thoughtful work. We welcome ongoing conversation with stakeholders within the Judicial branch, and also with our partners in the Executive and Legislative branches, as we all move toward the common goal of providing citizens with the court system they need and deserve. Technology has a big role to play in achieving that goal. We’re ready to link arms and get to work.
The Honorable Holly Kirby
Chief Justice, Tennessee Supreme Court
The Honorable Sarah K. Campbell (Chair)
Justice, Tennessee Supreme Court
The Honorable Tom Greenholtz
Judge, Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals
James M. Hivner
Clerk of the Tennessee Appellate Courts
Michelle Long
Director, Administrative Office of the Courts
Brandon Bowers
Chief Technology Officer, Administrative Office of the Courts
The Honorable Zack Walden
Criminal Court Judge, Eighth Judicial District
The Honorable Jimmy Turner
Circuit Court Judge, Sixteenth Judicial District
The Honorable David L. Pool
Criminal Court Judge, Thirtieth Judicial District
The Honorable Kee Bryant-McCormick
Judge, Sumner County General Sessions Court
Scott Griswold
Clerk and Master, Knox County
Joseph P. Day
Clerk, Davidson County Circuit and General Sessions Civil Courts
Sarah Bradberry
Clerk, Carroll County Circuit, General Sessions, and Juvenile Courts
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