An Introduction to Motivational Interviewing

The sessions for the An Introduction to Motivational Interviewing  are available below

Please note that you must view the presentation in its entirety to receive training credit . Partial credit will not be provided.

If at any time you leave the training, you may gain access again by clicking the link on the main Distance Learning page.  Enter your Name and Email address.  You do not have to complete the pre-test again.  Please note the time where you left off – the videos are set to start from the beginning each time the page is accessed.  

Should you have any issues with the training, please contact the CIP Administrative Assistant at


Sponsored by:
Tennessee Court Improvement Program
Administrative Office of the Courts

Motivational Interviewing for the Guardian ad Litem
The training will discuss:

  • Four Values of Motivational Interviewing
  • Core Concepts of Motivational Interviewing
  • Oars Model
  • Deficit vs. Strength basis strategies

Approved for  2.33 hours of training credit

Handouts - the materials are referenced at various times throughout sessions

If you are experiencing difficulty in viewing the video presentation, please click here for assistance.

Session 1 - Motivational Interviewing: An Overview (1.33 hours)

Session video  

Note:  Please be aware of the volume for this video. The volume for audience questions is quite a bit louder than the speaker.  There are three videos that are played as a part of this session.  We have experienced low volume issues on playback on some of our computers. You may click in the links below to have access to these videos:

Time of video          Video

23:00                     Foster Child/Foster Parent Interaction

41:00                     “Old” Muscle

54:10                     “New” Muscle

Session 2 - Motivational Interviewing: Applying the Practice (1.0 hour)

Session video

Note:  There is one video presentation in this session.

Time        Video

10:30       Empathy

After you have viewed all sessions, click the link below to complete the Credit Submission form and the Post-Test.

Session Post-Test and Evaluation Form