*Note: If you are a FCRB member, and are also an attorney - please go to https://www.tncourts.gov/form/webform-4642822 to complete the training.
Acknowledgment - Action required below
Distance Learning courses are based on both content and time spent viewing the course. In order to receive training credit for the course, I must complete and submit the training pre-test, view the course in its entirety, and complete the training post-test with the training credit submission request. (The CIP can monitor the amount of time spent on viewing the course. Partial training credit will not be submitted.) Please initial below to acknowledge the viewing requirement.
Please provide the appropriate answer to the follow questions.
4. The goal of exercising the reasonable and prudent parenting standard in the child welfare context is:
a. to try to normalize the experience of youth in care so that they have the opportunities and experiences that all youth do that mark a healthy childhood and adolescence.
b. to create new experiences and opportunities, even healthy risk taking, helps youth discover who they are and learn important decision making skills when they are supported by nurturing caregivers.
c. to create more trauma for children and youth.