Judge Carma Dennis McGee was confirmed during a joint session of the Tennessee General Assembly as the newest member of the Tennessee Court of Appeals – Western Division. She is the first Court of Appeals judge to go through the confirmation process that was enacted in 2016 by Executive Order 54.
Judge McGee was appointed by Governor Bill Lee on April 10 after being one of three candidates out of 14 applicants that was recommended to the governor by the Governor’s Council for Judicial Appointments. She previously served as a chancellor in Tennessee’s 24th Judicial District, serving Benton, Carroll, Decatur, Hardin, and Henry counties.
“Over the past five years, Judge McGee has shown she is an extremely hard-working and diligent judge, serving a district that stretches from Alabama-Mississippi border to Kentucky,” said Tennessee Supreme Court Chief Justice Jeff Bivins. “The quality of her writing and her judicial analysis and decision-making have been outstanding, and she is an excellent addition to the Court of Appeals.”
The vacancy on the Court of Appeals - Western Division was created by the appointment of Judge Brandon O. Gibson as special advisor in the office of the governor in January 2019. The newly created vacancy in the 24th Judicial District formed by today’s confirmation of Judge McGee to the Court of Appeals will be filled after the Trial Court Vacancy Commission holds public hearings and recommends three candidates to Governor Bill Lee, who will make the final appointment.
Prior to serving as a chancellor, Judge McGee practiced law as a partner in the firm McGee & Dennis in Savannah, serving a large variety of clients in mostly civil matters. She also served as a Rule 31 Listed Family Mediator for ten years.
“I am motivated by my desire to do my very best in whatever I am tasked to do and to serve others,” Judge McGee said. “I firmly believe that to whom much is given, much is required. The first job of a judge is to serve the people. Everything a judge does impacts the lives of others and it is a tremendous responsibility. I look forward to putting my ability, experience, and knowledge to work in the Court of Appeals.”
Judge McGee earned a Bachelor of Arts from Union University and taught high school history before pursuing a law degree at the Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law at the University of Memphis. She and her husband Todd have two teenage children, Sarah Beth and Caleb.
There are 12 Court of Appeals judges in Tennessee, broken into three divisions – Eastern, Middle, and Western, which hear civil appeals from state trial courts. Decisions from the Court of Appeals may be appealed to the Tennessee Supreme Court. All appellate judges in Tennessee are subject to regular retention elections.
To view photos from the confirmation vote, please click here.