Basic Juvenile Case Law Update

The session video for the Basic Juvenile Case Law Update training is available below  When you have completed the video session, use your browser's back button to return to this page to continue the training.

You must view the session in its entireity to receive CLE credit. Partial credit will not be reported.

All trainings require the completion of a pre-test and a post-test.  If you have not taken the pre-test for this course, please take a moment and do so now  by visiting   You will be directed back to this page upon completion.

When you have completed the training,  please submit the Session Post Test and CLE Request Form (link at bottom of page.)

If at any time you leave the training, you may gain access again by clicking the link on the main Distance Learning page.  Complete the mandatory fields (BPR#, Name, Email address and Title.)  You do not have to complete the pre-test again.  Please note the time where you left off – the videos are set to start from the beginning each time the page is accessed.  

Should you have any issues with the training, please contact the CIP Administrative Assistant  at


Sponsored by:
Tennessee Court Improvement Program
Administrative Office of the Courts

Basic Juvenile Case Law Update 

Presenters:  David Grimmett,  Esq. 

This course is approved for 1.20 general hours of CLE credit (1 hour and 12 minutes).

This course is presented in one video session.  To view the session - click on the link below.   After the session is over, use your browser's back button to return to this page.

Click Here to view the Session video (1 hour 12 minutes)

During his presentation, David Grimmett mentions Senate Bill 205/House Bill 200 regarding an amendment to T.C.A. § 36-1-113(i) regarding best interests in  a termination of parental rights proceeding. The bill passed as Public Chapter 190, and became effective on April 8, 2021. Public Chapter 190 can be downloaded with the presentation materials below.


Presentation Materials: 

Please click on the title of the handout below to view and/or save the .pdf file.

Basic Case Law Update Powerpoint Slides

Public Chapter 190 


If you are experiencing difficulty in viewing the video presentation, please click here for assistance.


Please do not submit the post-test and CLE request form until you have completed the training.

Session Post-Test and CLE Request Form