Immigration in Tennessee Child Welfare

Thank you for joining us for the Immigration in Tennessee Child Welfare training.

The materials discussed by each presenter are listed below.  Please click on the document title.  The document will open as a PDF file in a new window.  You are welcome to print or save any of the materials.

Should you have any issues with the training, please contact the CIP Administrative Assistant  at

Session 1: Immigrant Kids 101:  Cultural Competency and Ethical Consideration When Representing Children
Presented by: Edith Johnson 

Immigrant Kids 101 Presentation powerpoint handout

Diversity Cultural Competency Checklist


Session 2:  Immigration 101 and Options for Kids 
Presented by: Chay Sengkhounmany

Immigration 101 and Options for Kids Presentation Powerpoint handout

Juvenile Delinquency Cheat Sheet

What is Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

SIJS: From State Court to Green Card

Deferred Action & Work Permits for Young People with Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Health and Safety for Young Immigrants

Overview and Cost of Common Immigration Remedies for Youth

Motion for Supplemental Order for SIJS Findings

Supplemental Order for SIJS Findings

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for Children and Youth Under Juvenile Court Jurisdiction

in re Danely C - TN Court of Appeals

in re Domingo C L - TN Court of Appeals


Session 3: Juvenile Court Practice
Presented by: Sandra Gibbs

Juvenile Court Presentation PPT Handout

Immigration Referral List

Eligibility Requirements - USCIS Volume 6


Session 4:  Immigration Practice
Presented by: Casey Bryant

SIJS Immigration Presentation PPT Handout

SIJS Immigration Practice Handout