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Wanda Steinbrunner vs. Tuner Funeral Home, Inc., et al

Six years after her husband died, Wanda J. Steinbrunner sued the Chattanooga funeral home that handled his burial and the medical examiner that performed his autopsy. She made various claims based upon theories of negligence, gross negligence, and outrageous conduct. The trial court granted the funeral home and the medical examiner summary judgment. Steinbrunner appeals, challenging the grant of summary judgment. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Originating Judge:Jacqueline E. Schulten
Hamilton County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
Roberts vs. Everhart Steel Const. Co. Inc.

In this action for damages for personal injuries allegedly caused by defendant's negligence, a jury awarded damages. On appeal, we conclusively presume the Judgment is correct, because we cannot review all of the evidence heard by the jury.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Herschel P. Franks
Originating Judge:Samuel H. Payne
Hamilton County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
State of Tennessee v. Robert Blanton, Jr. - Order


The defendant, Robert Blanton, Jr., was indicted by the Montgomery County Grand Jury on June 6, 1995, on one count of sale of marijuana and one count of delivery of marijuana, both Class E felonies. The defendant pled guilty to the indictment, and the trial court sentenced the defendant to probation. An affidavit of violation of probation was filed on April 17, 1996, and amended on September 6, 1996.

Authoring Judge: Judge John Everett Williams
Montgomery County Court of Criminal Appeals 08/28/01
Southwest Williamson County Community Assoc. et al vs. Bruce Saltsman

Being dissatisfied with the State's concept of, and planning for, the extension of State Route 840 through southwest Williamson County, three residents in the County, two nonprofit corporations, and a partnership that owns property in the County, sued J. Bruce Saltsman, Sr. ("the Commissioner"), in his official capacity as Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Transportation ("TDOT"). Following a bench trial, the court below entered a final judgment including (1) a writ of mandamus ordering the Commissioner to perform a number of "duties" in connection with Route 840; and (2) a permanent injunction enjoining him from moving forward with the planning and construction of Route 840 through Williamson County until he complies with the trial court's order. The Commissioner appeals. In addition to other bases for reversal, he asserts that the trial court lacked subject matter jurisdiction of this controversy. We agree with the appellant that the trial court was without subject matter jurisdiction. Accordingly, we reverse the judgment below in its entirety and dismiss the petition.
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Originating Judge:J. Russ Heldman
Williamson County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
Blake Burton, et al vs. Hardwood Pallets, Inc., et al

This appeal involves a dispute between the sellers of a business and the bank that financed a portion of the purchase price. The plaintiffs, Blake Burton and Michael Burton, entered into an agreement with the defendant, Hardwood Pallets, Inc., to sell the Burtons' pallet manufacturing business. As partial consideration for the sale, Hardwood Pallets executed an unsecured promissory note to the Burtons in the amount of $1,000,000. Additional consideration for the sale was obtained by way of an $800,000 loan from the defendant, AmSouth Bank, to Hardwood Pallets; as a part of the bank transaction, Hardwood Pallets pledged its assets as collateral. As a condition to the making of the loan, AmSouth required the Burtons to execute a subordination agreement. When Hardwood Pallets defaulted on the bank loan, AmSouth sold the collateral at a private sale. Litigation ensued. In addition to suing Hardwood Pallets and its shareholders, the Burtons sued AmSouth, alleging procurement of breach of contract and civil conspiracy to defraud. AmSouth filed a counterclaim, alleging that the Burtons breached the subordination agreement. It also filed a motion for summary judgment, asserting that it acted within its rights under the subordination agreement. The trial court entered a judgment in favor of AmSouth pursuant to Tenn. R. Civ. P. 54.02. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Originating Judge:Samuel H. Payne
Hamilton County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
Sherry Lee Lightfoot v. Tommy Edwin Lightfoot


Originating Judge:L. Marie Williams
Hamilton County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
Ryder Driver Leasing, Inc. v. Wilson

The trial court found the plaintiff had a compensable psychiatric injury. We affirm the findings of the trial court.
Authoring Judge: John K. Byers, Sr. J.
Originating Judge:Dale Workman, Circuit Court Judge
Knox County Workers Compensation Panel 08/27/01
State of Tennessee v. Andreia Jones


Defendant challenges the denial of pretrial diversion by the District Attorney General and subsequent denial of relief by the trial court. We conclude that the defendant failed to file a petition for writ of certiorari and improperly sought to have the trial court consider matters not presented to the District Attorney General; thus, defendant has failed to establish that the District Attorney General abused his discretion in denying pretrial diversion. We affirm the judgment of the trial court.

Authoring Judge: Judge Joe G. Riley
Originating Judge:Judge Joseph B. Dailey
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 08/27/01
Barbara Gaskins vs. Roger Gaskins

This appeal from the Circuit Court of Greene County questions whether the Trial Court erred in awarding Ms. Gaskins alimony for a seven year period. Mr. Gaskins appeals the decision of the Circuit Court of Greene County. We affirm the decision of the Trial Court as modified and remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. We adjudge costs of the appeal against the Appellant, Roger Arthur Gaskins, and his surety.
Authoring Judge: Judge Houston M. Goddard
Originating Judge:Ben K. Wexler
Greene County Court of Appeals 08/27/01
State of Tennessee v. George E. Ratliff


The defendant, George E. Ratliff, was convicted by a jury of rape of a child. In this consolidated appeal, Defendant alleges various errors by the trial court, challenges his sentence, and appeals the dismissal of his petition for writ of error coram nobis on the ground of untimely filing. After a review of the record and applicable law, we reverse the trial court's summary dismissal of the petition for writ of error coram nobis based on the recent decision of our supreme court in Workman v. State, 41 S.W.3d 100 (Tenn. 2001). We remand this matter to the trial court for a hearing on the merits of the petition for writ of error coram nobis. Pursuant to State v. Mixon, 983 S.W.2d 661 (Tenn. 1999), appellate proceedings on Defendant's appeal as of right from his conviction are stayed, pending the trial court's ruling on the error coram nobis petition.

Authoring Judge: Judge Thomas T. Woodall
Originating Judge:Judge Lynn W. Brown
Washington County Court of Criminal Appeals 08/27/01
State of Tennessee v. LaQuenton Monger


The appellant, LaQuenton Monger, was convicted by a jury in the Shelby County Criminal Court of one count of first degree felony murder by aggravated child abuse and one count of aggravated child abuse. The trial court imposed concurrent sentences of life imprisonment in the Tennessee Department of Correction for the felony murder conviction and twenty years imprisonment in the Department for the aggravated child abuse conviction. On appeal, the appellant challenges the sufficiency of the evidence underlying his conviction of felony murder and further challenges the trial court's failure to instruct the jury on lesser-included offenses of felony murder. Following a thorough review of the record and the parties' briefs, we reverse the appellant's convictions of felony murder and aggravated child abuse and remand the cases to the trial court for a new trial.

Authoring Judge: Judge Norma McGee Ogle
Originating Judge:Judge John P. Colton, Jr.
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 08/27/01
State of Tennessee v. Lavarne Madison


The defendant was charged in a two-count indictment with one count of the unlawful possession of more than .5 grams of cocaine with the intent to sell, and one count of the unlawful possession of more than 26 grams of cocaine with the intent to deliver. A separate indictment returned the same day charged one count of the unlawful possession of marijuana. Pursuant to a negotiated plea agreement, he subsequently pled guilty to two misdemeanor drug possession offenses in connection with the charges, and was sentenced to concurrent sentences of 11 months, 29 days. The trial court refused his request for judicial diversion, but granted him probation, with the condition that he spend 90 days in a halfway house. In a timely filed appeal to this court, the defendant raises two issues: (1) whether the trial court erred in denying his request for judicial diversion; and (2) whether the trial court abused its discretion in sentencing him to three months in the halfway house as a condition of probation. Based upon a careful review, we affirm the judgment of the trial court. However, we remand to the trial court for entry of a corrected judgment form to reflect the disposition of all charges against the defendant.

Authoring Judge: Judge Alan E. Glenn
Originating Judge:Judge Carolyn Wade Blackett
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 08/27/01
State of Tennessee v. Charles R. Blackstock


The defendant, Charles R. Blackstock, pled guilty to especially aggravated kidnapping and two counts of rape of a child. See Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 39-13-305, 39-13-522. The trial court imposed 25-year sentences on each offense. The sentences were ordered to be served consecutively, for an effective sentence of 75 years. The sentence for especially aggravated kidnapping and the consecutive sentencing order are affirmed. Because the trial court erroneously applied certain enhancement factors to each of the sentences for rape of a child, the terms are modified to 23 years.

Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Gary R. Wade
Originating Judge:Judge Douglas A. Meyer
Hamilton County Court of Criminal Appeals 08/27/01
Carrie Marsh vs. Christopher Sensabaugh

This is a child custody case involving the child's natural father and a third-party, the maternal aunt. The trial court held in favor of the maternal aunt, upon a determination the father was an unfit parent. The court based its decision on the father's previous charge of contempt for failure to pay child support, previous visitation practices, and lack of knowledge regarding the child's educational status, such as her teachers, grades and attendance at parent-teacher conferences. Father appeals the trial court's decision. For the reasons below, we affirm the ruling of the trial court.
Authoring Judge: Judge David R. Farmer
Originating Judge:J. Roland Reid
Haywood County Court of Appeals 08/27/01
In re: Estate of J. Crawford Murphy vs. Robert A. Murphy, et al.

In this case the Probate Court held that the personal representative of the Estate of Mae Thompson Murphy did not have authority to dissent from the will of her husband, J. Crawford Murphy, and thereby take an elective share of his estate. We find that T.C.A. 31-4-105 gives the personal representative this right and reverse the judgment of the trial court.
Authoring Judge: Judge Houston M. Goddard
Originating Judge:Jeffrey D. Rader
Sevier County Court of Appeals 08/27/01
Ella McCain, Conservator

This is a personal injury case arising from a vehicle/pedestrian accident. A pedestrian wandered from the nursing home at which he resided and began walking alongside a roadway. The defendant driver saw the pedestrian as he was driving on the roadway. As the driver approached, the pedestrian suddenly stepped into the roadway and was struck by the defendant's truck. The pedestrian suffered significant injuries. The pedestrian's daughter, as his conservator, filed suit against the defendant driver. At the conclusion of the plaintiff's proof, the defendant driver moved for a directed verdict on the grounds that there was insufficient evidence that the defendant driver was negligent. The trial court granted a directed verdict for the defendant driver and the plaintiff now appeals. We affirm, finding that the plaintiff failed to adduce evidence from which a reasonable jury might conclude that the defendant driver was negligent.
Authoring Judge: Judge Holly M. Kirby
Originating Judge:Jon Kerry Blackwood
Fayette County Court of Appeals 08/27/01
Comm. DOT vs. Frances Patrick & Frank Duncan

This appeal involves the owner of an undivided five-sixths interest in property acquiring the remaining one-sixth interest from her co-tenants under the doctrine of title by prescription. The circuit court made finding of facts indicating that the prescriptive holder of the property held the property exclusively and uninterrupted for more than a twenty year period. Further, the circuit court found that no co-tenants were under a disability to assert their rights during the twenty year period and that no permission was given to the prescriptive holder to possess the property. Based on these findings of fact, the circuit court ruled that under the doctrine of title by prescription, the prescriptive holder had acquired full title in the property. For the following reasons, we affirm the decision of the circuit court.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Originating Judge:C. Creed Mcginley
Hardin County Court of Appeals 08/27/01
James Fristoe v. Citizens Utilities Company,

The defendants appeal the judgment of the trial court awarding the employee, a telephone lineman, 95% vocational disability for injuries he sustained falling off a telephone pole. The defendants assert that the trial court erred in determining Mr. Fristoe's vocational disability rating by failing to give appropriate consideration to the findings of the treating physician in this case. For the reasons set out in this opinion, We affirm the judgment of the trial court.
Authoring Judge: James L. Weatherford, Sr.J.,
Originating Judge:John A. Turnbull, Judge
Putnam County Workers Compensation Panel 08/27/01
Jeanne Alice Gabel vs. Todd Edward Gabel

The trial court entered a default judgment against the defendant in this divorce case even though the defendant had filed an answer within the time frame set forth in Rule 12.01. We conclude that entry of the default judgment was not appropriate when the defendant timely filed an answer, and, therefore, vacate the judgment of the trial court.
Authoring Judge: Judge David Michael Swiney
Originating Judge:Richard R. Vance
Sevier County Court of Appeals 08/27/01
Suzanne Jones vs. Metro Elevator Co.

This appeal involves claims for injuries sustained by the plaintiff while riding in an elevator. The plaintiff brought suit against numerous parties including the company managing the building and the company under contract to service the elevators in the building. The circuit court granted a motion for summary judgment as to the company managing the building. The case proceeded to trial, however, against the company under contract to service the elevators. After the circuit court refused to instruct the jury on the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, the jury returned a verdict in favor of the elevator service provider. The plaintiff appeals the grant of summary judgment and the refusal to instruct the jury on the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur and for the following reasons, we affirm.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Originating Judge:Mark Agee
Madison County Court of Appeals 08/27/01
Of The Evidence Is Otherwise. T

The trial court found the plaintiff sustained a 4 percent vocational disability to the body as a whole as a result of exposure to formaldehyde which caused permanent respiratory injury. The trial judge found the plaintiff failed to show by a preponderance of the evidence that he sustained any psychiatric injury as a result of the accident. We affirm the judgment of the trial court.
Authoring Judge: John K. Byers, Sr. J.
Originating Judge:Billy J. White, Chancellor
Knox County Workers Compensation Panel 08/27/01
Reginald Webb v. State of Tennessee


Petitioner appeals the denial of post-conviction relief by the Shelby County Criminal Court. He contends he received ineffective assistance of counsel at his jury trial where he was convicted of second degree murder. We affirm.

Authoring Judge: Judge Joe G. Riley
Originating Judge:Judge Bernie Weinman
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 08/27/01
G. Kline Preston vs. Garrett Realty Service, Inc.

Davidson County -This matter comes to us on appeal from summary judgment granted due to Tennessee's lack of personal jurisdiction over Defendant. Plaintiff attempted to rent a condominium in Florida and sued Defendant in Tennessee for breach of contract after Defendant discovered a mistake in the quoted price and refused to rent the condo to Plaintiff for the quoted price. The circuit court determined that Tennessee had no personal jurisdiction over Defendant and dismissed the case. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge William B. Cain
Originating Judge:Walter C. Kurtz
Davidson County Court of Appeals 08/27/01
Tarrance Robinson vs. Neil Clement, et al

This appeal involves a state prisoner housed at the Riverbend Maximum Security Institution who was disciplined for possessing a deadly weapon. After exhausting his internal appeals, the prisoner filed a common-law writ of certiorari in the Chancery Court for Davidson County, alleging that the disciplinary proceedings had violated his due process rights. The trial court granted the State's motion to dismiss the petition. On this pro se appeal, the prisoner asserts that the trial court erred by dismissing his petition. We have determined that the prisoner's petition does not state a claim upon which relief can be granted and, therefore, affirm the trial court.
Authoring Judge: Judge William C. Koch, Jr.
Originating Judge:Ellen Hobbs Lyle
Davidson County Court of Appeals 08/27/01
Ronald Scott Revis v. Roane County, Tennessee,

The trial court dismissed the complaint finding the injury did not arise out of and in the course of employment. On appeal it was determined the injury arose out of employment but did not occur in the course of employment. Judgment of the trial court is affirmed.
Authoring Judge: Thayer, Sp. J.
Originating Judge:Russell E. Simmons, Jr., Circuit Judge
Knox County Workers Compensation Panel 08/27/01