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State of Tennessee v. Robert Ervin


Robert Ervin, also known as Muhammad Jabbar, was convicted of attempted second degree murder and sentenced to twenty-five years in the Tennessee Department of Correction. On appeal, Ervin raises one issue for our review: Whether the evidence produced at trial was sufficient to support the verdict. After review, we find the evidence sufficient and affirm the judgment.

Authoring Judge: Judge David G. Hayes
Originating Judge:Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood
Lauderdale County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/31/01
Daniel Sherwood v. Microsoft

Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Patricia J. Cottrell
Originating Judge:Walter C. Kurtz
Davidson County Court of Appeals 01/31/01
Orion Pacific, Inc. vs. Exchange Plastics Company

The defendant Ohio company purchased truckloads of plastic from the Tennessee division of a Texas company. When the Ohio company refused to pay for all the plastic, the Texas company filed suit for the balance in a Tennessee court. The defendant argued that it did not have sufficient contact with Tennessee to subject it to personal jurisdiction in this state's courts. The trial court disagreed, and following a hearing, rendered a judgment for the plaintiff in the amount of $11,288. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Originating Judge:Robert E. Corlew, III
Rutherford County Court of Appeals 01/31/01
Kristen Bridges vs. Carla King

Paternity of minor child was established by a juvenile court consent order entered November 26, 1991, and custody of the child was awarded to Mother. In January, 2000, Father filed a petition to change custody on the basis of change of circumstances and the best interest of the child which was granted by the juvenile court referee. The referee's findings and recommendations were confirmed and made the decree of the court on May 25, 2000. Subsequently, on Mother's petition, an evidentiary hearing was held before the juvenile judge, and on July 6, 2000, after the evidentiary hearing, an order was entered reconfirming the referee's ruling of May 25, 2000. Mother has appealed. We reverse.
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Originating Judge:George E. Blancett
Shelby County Court of Appeals 01/31/01
Michael Ray Brenneman vs. Margaret Ann Redd Brenneman

This appeal involves the dissolution of a 31-year marriage by the Circuit Court for Wilson County. Following a bench trial, the trial court declared the parties divorced and divided their marital property but declined to award the wife spousal support. On this appeal, the wife asserts that the trial court erred by declining to grant her spousal support. We have determined that the trial court placed too much emphasis on the value of the wife's share of the marital estate when it declined to grant her spousal support. Accordingly, we have determined that the judgment should be amended to award the wife spousal support in the amount of $200 per month until she reaches sixty-five years of age. We also remand the case to the trial court to calculate a reasonable award for the wife's legal expenses.
Authoring Judge: Judge William C. Koch, Jr.
Originating Judge:Clara W. Byrd
Wilson County Court of Appeals 01/31/01
William Paul Bogus v. State of Tennessee


The petitioner appeals from the Dyer County Circuit Court's dismissal of his petition for post-conviction relief. In 1994, the petitioner was tried and convicted of first degree murder in the perpetration of a felony and aggravated burglary. His convictions were affirmed, after which he timely filed a petition seeking post-conviction relief, claiming ineffective assistance of trial and appellate counsel, juror misconduct because an alternate juror had lied during voir dire about not knowing the petitioner, insufficient evidence to support the felony-murder conviction, and suppression of exculpatory evidence. After an evidentiary hearing, the post-conviction court denied relief. We affirm the post-conviction court's denial of the petitioner's request for post-conviction relief.

Authoring Judge: Judge J. Curwood Witt, Jr.
Originating Judge:Judge J. Steven Stafford
Dyer County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/31/01
Daniel Sherwood v. Microsoft

Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Patricia J. Cottrell
Originating Judge:Walter C. Kurtz
Davidson County Court of Appeals 01/31/01
AT & T v. Ruth Johnson

This case involves (1) the issue of the liability of AT&T for sales and use taxes assessed by the Commissioner for the years 1990 through 1994, and (2) the issue of whether the Chancery Court had subject matter jurisdiction to adjudicate a claim for refund of taxes where the taxpayer failed to file a formal claim for each of the years, 1993 excepted, "under oath and supported by proper proof." AT&T sold telephone central office equipment and provided engineering services to BellSouth and insisted that these sales and services were industrial machinery and therefore exempt from sales and use taxes.
Authoring Judge: Per Curiam
Originating Judge:Ellen Hobbs Lyle
Davidson County Court of Appeals 01/30/01
State of Tennessee v. Robert D. Walsh


The defendant, Robert D. Walsh, was convicted after a jury trial in the Shelby County Criminal court of the aggravated sexual battery of a foster child who was in his care. He appeals this conviction, alleging various errors in evidentiary admissions, impermissible comment on the evidence by the trial court, and improper sentencing. We modify the defendant's sentence to Range I classification and remand for correction of a clerical error in the judgment form. Otherwise, the judgment of the trial court is affirmed.

Authoring Judge: Judge J. Curwood Witt, Jr.
Originating Judge:Judge W. Fred Axley
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/30/01
State of Tennessee v. Keith T. Dupree


This is an appeal from defendant's conviction for second degree murder for which he received a sentence of twenty-three years and six months. In this appeal, defendant presents two issues for our review: (1) whether the evidence is sufficient to support the verdict; and (2) whether the trial court erred in defining the mental state of "knowing" for the offense of second degree murder. We conclude the evidence was sufficient to support the verdict; however, we conclude the jury charge constituted plain error by failing to instruct on the applicable definition of "knowing." Accordingly, the judgment of the trial court is reversed, and the case is remanded for a new trial.

Authoring Judge: Judge Joe G. Riley
Originating Judge:Judge Chris B. Craft
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/30/01
State of Tennessee v. Courtney Anderson


The defendant was convicted by a Shelby County jury of theft of property valued greater than $10,000 and forgery. The trial court sentenced him to consecutive sentences of 15 years for theft as a persistent offender and six years for forgery as a career offender. In this appeal as a matter of right, defendant alleges (1) the evidence is not sufficient to support the convictions, and (2) his sentence is excessive. After a thorough review of the record, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.

Authoring Judge: Judge Joe G. Riley
Originating Judge:Judge Joseph B. Dailey
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/30/01
County Residents Against Speedway Havoc, et al vs. Wilson County Commission, et al

Opponents of a proposed motor speedway in Wilson County filed a petition which challenged on numerous grounds the zoning change that made construction of the speedway possible. The trial court dismissed the complaint, finding that the county government had acted in accordance with the applicable laws. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Originating Judge:C. K. Smith
Wilson County Court of Appeals 01/30/01
Keehn Hosier vs. Crye-Leike Commercial, Inc.

This appeal involves a dispute regarding the application of an attorney's fees provision in a property management agreement. The property owner filed suit against the property manager in the Chancery Court for Sumner County alleging not only breach of contract but also fraud, misrepresentation, and breach of fiduciary duty. Following a bench trial, the trial court awarded the property owner a $1,600 judgment for breach of contract and dismissed his remaining claims. Thereafter, the trial court awarded the property owner an additional $15,944 for his legal fees and $219 in discretionary costs. The property manager has appealed only from the award for legal fees, asserting that the property owner is not entitled to reimbursement for the legal fee associated with his unsuccessful tort claims. We have determined that the challenged legal services were necessary to counter the property manager's exculpatory clause defense and that the challenged legal fees, under all the circumstances, are reasonable. Accordingly, we affirm the trial court's $15,944 award for legal fees.
Authoring Judge: Judge William C. Koch, Jr.
Originating Judge:Tom E. Gray
Sumner County Court of Appeals 01/30/01
Steven H. Rezba vs. Brian W. Randolph

Dr. Steven H. Rezba purchased the dental practice of Dr. Brian W. Randolph in April of 1996, paying some cash down and giving a promissory note for the balance. Dr. Rezba filed this action to rescind the contract claiming that Dr. Randolph had inflated his revenues by fraudulent practices, and Dr. Randolph counterclaimed for damages for breach of the contract. The Chancery Court of Williamson County denied Dr. Rezba's motion to amend to include a claim for damages and granted summary judgment to Dr. Randolph on all issues. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Originating Judge:Jeffrey S. Bivins
Williamson County Court of Appeals 01/30/01
Charter Lakeside Behavioral Health vs. Tennessee Health Facilities Comm., et al

This appeal involves a dispute arising out of the construction of a mental health treatment facility in Shelby County. As the facility neared completion, a corporation operating a competing facility filed a petition with the Tennessee Health Facilities Commission seeking a declaratory order that the new facility could not begin operating until it obtained a certificate of need. After the Commission declined to render a declaratory order, the competing corporation petitioned the Chancery Court for Davidson County for a declaratory judgment that the new facility could not begin operating without a certificate of need. The trial court initially dismissed the petition because of the competitor's delay in challenging the construction of the facility. After this court reversed and remanded the case for further consideration, the trial court remanded the case to the Commission to determine whether the new facility had been constructed before the certificate of need laws had been expanded to cover such facilities. On this appeal both the competing corporation and the Commission assert that the trial court erred by not rendering a declaratory judgment based on the existing administrative record. While this appeal was pending, the competing corporation sold its Shelby County facility to another corporation but retained its interest in this litigation. We have determined that this appeal no longer involves a justiciable issue because the competing corporation no longer operates a facility in Shelby County and, therefore, is not entitled to judicial relief. Accordingly, we vacate the judgment and remand the case to the trial court with directions to dismiss the petition for declaratory judgment.
Authoring Judge: Judge William C. Koch, Jr.
Originating Judge:Ellen Hobbs Lyle
Davidson County Court of Appeals 01/30/01
State of Tennessee v. Reco R. Douglas


The defendant's conviction for first degree murder during perpetration of robbery was reversed by this court in 1998. The defendant was subsequently retried, again convicted of first degree murder during the perpetration of a robbery, and sentenced to life imprisonment. This appeal followed, whereby the defendant alleges the evidence is insufficient to sustain his conviction, and the trial court erroneously admitted the audio recording and transcript of the victim's phone call to 911. After a thorough review of the record, we affirm the defendant's conviction and sentence.

Authoring Judge: Judge Joe G. Riley
Originating Judge:Judge W. Fred Axley
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/30/01
In the Matter of: All Assessments, Review of Ad Valorem Assessments of Public Utility Companies for Tax Year 1999 and Tax Year 2000

In these consolidated cases, a consortium of counties and cities appeals the actions of the Tennessee State Board of Equalization in reducing public utility assessments by fifteen per cent. Acknowledging that all sub-constitutional issues involved in the cases have been foreclosed by the decision of the Tennessee Supreme Court in In Re: All Assessments 1998, No. M1998-00243-SC-R11-CV, 2000 WL 1710174 (Tenn. Nov. 16, 2000), Appellants challenge the constitutionality of Tennessee Code Annotated section 67-5-903(f) and section 67-5-1302(b)(1). We hold both sections of the Code to be constitutional and affirm the decision of the Tennessee State Board of Equalization.
Authoring Judge: Judge William B. Cain
Court of Appeals 01/30/01
Kevin Johnson vs. Donna Johnson

This appeal involves the dissolution of a ten year marriage. The trial court awarded the husband a divorce after concluding that the wife was guilty of inappropriate marital conduct. The trial court granted custody of the parties' three minor children to the father and refused the mother visitation rights, and held her in criminal contempt of court. The wife now appeals. We have determined that the trial court properly awarded custody to the father but the trial court erred in refusing the mother visitation, and in convicting her of criminal contempt. Accordingly, we affirm in part and reverse in part.
Authoring Judge: Judge William B. Cain
Originating Judge:Russell Heldman
Williamson County Court of Appeals 01/30/01
Emmanuel Churches of Christ, et al vs. Frances Foster, et al

This is a dispute between a separating local church and the national organization over the church property in Smithville. The dispute involves the interpretation of two deeds, one in 1940 and another in 1943. The Chancery Court of DeKalb County held that the majority of the property belonged to the local congregation. Against the national church's arguments that the chancellor's order violated the separation of church and state and was contrary to the law and the facts, we affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Originating Judge:John A. Turnbull
DeKalb County Court of Appeals 01/30/01
Marcia Hackett vs. Roy Hackett

This is a divorce case wherein Wife appeals from the distribution of marital property and seeks attorney's fees and costs on appeal. We affirm the action of the trial judge.
Authoring Judge: Judge William B. Cain
Originating Judge:Muriel Robinson
Davidson County Court of Appeals 01/30/01
Robert Terry Davis, et al vs. Wilson County, TN

Wilson County sought to modify its health insurance plan providing coverage for "retired" employees. Two employees, fitting the definition of retired employees but not yet retired, challenged the modification on the ground that their rights in the prior plan had vested. The Chancery Court of Wilson County held that the employees had a vested right to continue under the prior plan. We hold that health insurance benefits are welfare benefits that do not vest absent a contractual provision that they cannot be changed. We therefore reverse the lower court's decision and dismiss the complaint.
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Originating Judge:John D. Wootten, Jr.
Wilson County Court of Appeals 01/29/01
Linda Kinard v. John Kinard

Upon remand from earlier appeal, the trial court determined (1) Husband owed Wife past due alimony without interest; (2) Husband owed Wife additional $47,933.50 on note with interest from 30 days after the entry of the Court of Appeals opinion until the amount is paid; (3) Husband was not required to release the residence as collateral on the home equity loan; (4) Husband retained ownership of the insurance policy; (5) no attorney's fees were awarded to either party. Wife filed a second appeal to dispute the decision of the trial court and to determine the date at which post-judgment interest begins to accrue, whether husband should be required to discharge the home equity loan, whether husband should be restricted in use of life insurance policy, and whether attorney's fees should have been awarded. For the following reasons, we affirm the decision of the trial court in regards to the attorney's fees, life insurance policy, and home equity loan and reverse the decision of the trial court with respect to post-judgment interest.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Patricia J. Cottrell
Originating Judge:Robert E. Corlew, III
Rutherford County Court of Appeals 01/29/01
Dwayne Hawkins v. Patrick Hart

This matter began when Plaintiffs signed an agreement to purchase an automobile dealership from Defendant, Patrick Hart. Defendant Hart refused to honor this agreement and later agreed to sell the dealership to Defendant, Nelson Bowers. The current case flows from these breach of contract and inducement of breach of contract actions previously dismissed by the trial court and appealed to this Court. We are now asked to determine whether the trial court correctly applied the Court of Appeals decision in this matter. Plaintiffs appeal two orders issued by the trial court on remand: (1) an order dismissing claims for conversion and interference with business relations against the Bowers Defendants, reinstating the discretionary costs previously vacated by this Court in favor of the Bowers Defendants, and denying Plaintiffs' motion to amend to add additional claims and parties; and (2) a second order dismissing Plaintiffs' separate action against European Motors and Sonic Automotive, parties whom Plaintiffs had previously tried to join in the original action. We find that the trial court correctly interpreted and applied the Court of Appeals decision and affirm both orders in their entirety.
Authoring Judge: Judge William B. Cain
Originating Judge:Barbara N. Haynes
Davidson County Court of Appeals 01/29/01
Marika Avery vs. Thomas Avery

In this divorce case ending a 25 year marriage, the trial court classified a bequest made solely to the husband as marital property under an "implied partnership" theory and divided the bequest equally. The parties' other property was divided, and the wife was awarded alimony in futuro. The husband appeals the classification and division of property and the award of alimony in futuro. We reverse the trial court's classification of the bequest as marital property and classify the original bequest as Husband's separate property. We find the increase in value of that separate property to be marital because of the parties' contribution to its maintenance and increase. We modify the award of marital property accordingly, modify the alimony award, and decline to award Wife attorney fees on appeal.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Patricia J. Cottrell
Originating Judge:Russell Heldman
Williamson County Court of Appeals 01/29/01
Allison Coats v. Smyrna/Rutherford County Airport Authority

This action was brought by the plaintiff against the defendant following two requests by the plaintiff pursuant to the Tennessee Public Records Act for certain documents relating to the Smyrna Airport negotiations with Wiggins Group, PLC./Plane Station, Inc. The plaintiff alleged a statutory right to inspect certain documents. Ultimately, the trial court ordered all of the documents released to the plaintiff, but ordered correspondence addressed to or signed by the SRCAA attorney placed under seal pending appeal. The principal issue on this appeal is whether the appellee is entitled to the documents under seal pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated section 10-7-503.
Authoring Judge: Judge William B. Cain
Originating Judge:Robert E. Corlew, III
Rutherford County Court of Appeals 01/29/01