Chancellor Goldin Creating New Families in Special Saturday Courthouse Event

When they leave the courtroom of Chancellor Arnold Goldin on Saturday, Nov. 19, about 20 children clutching Teddy bears will have new last names, new families, permanent loving homes and a sense of security many have not felt in their short lives.

As part of National Adoption Day, Goldin will open his courtroom at 9 a.m. to legalize the childrens' adoptions and help the newly created families celebrate. The chancellor and his staff are putting up banners and providing refreshments in honor of the event. The guests of honor also will receive "New Family" certificates and each child will leave with a special Teddy bear.

"Those of us who are judges spend much of our time dealing with people who are involved in conflicts and unpleasant situations," Goldin said. "It is so uplifting and such an honor for me to have a role in the adoptions of children. I look forward all year to this celebration and to witnessing the joy on the faces of the children and their families."

Many of the adoptees who come before Goldin and other judges across Tennessee throughout the year have spent most of their lives in state custody. In Tennessee, approximately 10,000 children are in foster care, including more than 1,000 who are eligible for adoption.

National Adoption Month in November and National Adoption Day were designed to facilitate the adoption of foster children and bring attention to their plight. Attorneys, judges, foster care professionals and child advocates join forces during November to encourage the adoptions of children needing permanent homes.

Goldin said in some cases, parents have voluntarily given up the children, but others have had their parental rights terminated by the courts because of child abuse or neglect.