Chancellor Goldin Creating New Families in Special Saturday Adoption Ceremony

Four siblings are among 20 children who will leave the courtroom of Shelby County Chancellor Arnold Goldin on Saturday, Nov. 18, with new families, new last names and new teddy bears to help them celebrate the positive changes in their young lives.

As part of National Adoption Day, Goldin will open his courtroom at 9 a.m. to legalize the childrens’ adoptions and help the newly created families remember the day. The chancellor and his staff are putting up banners and providing refreshments in honor of the event. Information on post-adoption services also will be available. And, in keeping with his annual tradition, Goldin will give each young guest of honor a “New Family” certificate and a special Teddy bear.

“So much of what takes place in courtrooms is adversarial,” Goldin said. “I look forward to this event every year because everyone walks away with smiles on their faces. It is, without question, the most uplifting of my responsibilities as a judge.”

Goldin, Chancellor Thomas Frierson of Morristown and other judges across the nation finalized the adoptions of more than 3,100 children from foster care during 227 National Adoption Day events in 2005. Many of the adoptees had spent most of their lives in state custody. Currently, there are more than 7,100 foster children in Tennessee, including 838 who are eligible for adoption.

National Adoption Month in November and National Adoption Day were designed to facilitate the adoption of foster children and bring attention to their plight. Judges, attorneys, foster care professionals and child advocates join forces during November to encourage the adoptions of children needing permanent homes.

Goldin said in some cases, parents have voluntarily given up the children, but others have had their parental rights terminated by the courts because of child abuse or neglect.