Application Process Opened for Five Seats on Judicial Nominating Commission

Nashville, Tenn. –  The Administrative Office of the Courts is now accepting applications for five seats on the Judicial Nominating Commission, the body that reviews and recommends applicants for vacancies on the appellate and state trial courts for the governor’s consideration.

The terms of five Commission members – Christopher Campbell, Jack Lowery, Edward Martindale, Denise Terry Stapleton and Verna Wyatt – are set to expire on June 30, 2011.

Applicants may apply for the following six-year terms on the Judicial Nominating Commission:

At Large
Attorney or Lay Person
Appointment by Speaker of the House

At Large
Lay Person
Joint Appointment of Speaker of the House and Lieutenant Governor

Middle Grand Division
Attorney or Lay Person
Appointment by Lieutenant Governor

Western Grand Division
Attorney or Lay Person
Appointment by Lieutenant Governor

Western Grand Division
Attorney or Lay Person
Appointment by Speaker of the House

Applicants for the Commission must be at least 30-years-old and a citizen of the state for at least five years. Additionally, members of the Judicial Nominating Commission cannot be office holders with political parties or political organizations, lobbyists or employees of lobbyists, or salaried office holders of the state of Tennessee or the United States, which includes judges, legislators or any individual who has been appointed or elected in a manner prescribed by law.

Anyone who wishes to be considered for the Judicial Nominating Commission must complete an application. All applications must be received by the Administrative Office of the Courts by Tuesday, May 31 at 4:30 p.m. central daylight time.

Once applications have been received by the Administrative Office of the Courts, information about each applicant will be posted online at The public will have the opportunity to comment on the applicants for the commission for a period of 14 days. Once public comments have been received, the speaker of the house and senate will have 14 days to appoint members to the Judicial Nominating Commission.

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Judicial Nominating Commission application instructions
Judicial Nominating Commission application (PDF)
Judicial Nominating Commission application (Word)