33 Apply for Vacancy on Judicial Nominating Commission

Now Accepting Public Comments on Applicants

Nashville, Tenn. The Administrative Office of the Courts has received 33 applications for the vacancy on the Judicial Nominating Commission, the body that reviews and recommends applicants for vacancies on the appellate and state trial courts for the governor’s consideration.

The vacancy on the Commission is created by the upcoming resignation of Commissioner Bill Young, who will step down on September 1, 2011, to become Solicitor General. The statute prevents state employees from serving on the Judicial Nominating Commission.

Members of the public now have 14 days to submit comments about the applicants. The list of applicants, along with each application, is available on our website here. The public may submit comments about the applicants until August 15 at 4:30 p.m. CDT.

Once public comments have been received, Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey will have 14 days to appoint someone to the at-large seat, which may be filled by either an attorney or lay person. The term for this Commissioner will expire on June 30, 2013.

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