In some instances, the Supreme Court solicits comments from the public regarding its proposed Rules. Please see the list below for more information about Rules that are open to public comment.
We now offer the option to submit comments electronically. If you would like to submit a comment electronically, please click here.
Rule 9: Amendment of Rules | - ORDER soliciting comments to proposed amendments to Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 9, sections 26.4 and 33.1 | |
Rule 9: Amendment of Rules | - COMMENTS on Rule 9, Sections 26.4 and 33.1, ADM2025-00078 | |
Rule 17: Uniform Judgement Document | - CORRECTED Order AMENDS Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 17 | |
Rule 21: Rule for Mandatory Continuing Legal Education. | - Order Amending Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 21, section 4.08, subsections (a) and (c) as set out in the attached Appendix to this Order | |
Rule 21: Rule for Mandatory Continuing Legal Education. | - ORDER - Amendment to rule 21, Section 4.08, Rules of the Tennessee Supreme Court |