Tenn. Educ. Ass’n, et al. v. Bill Lee, et al.

Case Name
Tenn. Educ. Ass’n, et al. v. Bill Lee, et al.
Case Number
Judge Panel

Chancellor Anne C. Martin, Chief Judge (Middle Grand Division)

Judge A. Blake Neill (Western Grand Division)

Chancellor Pamela A. Fleenor (Eastern Grand Division)

Case dismissed without prejudice 8/7/2023.
Cases Description

In this matter, the Tennessee Education Association and several individual plaintiffs seek declaratory and injunctive relief from Section 2 of 2023 Tenn. Pub. Acts ch. 437, which prevents local education associations from automatically deducting professional employees’ organization dues from the paychecks of employees of the local education association.  Plaintiffs allege the Act violates Tenn. Const. art. II, section 17’s single subject and caption provisions, as well as the Contracts Clauses of both the federal and state Constitutions, U.S. Const. art I, section 10, and Tenn. Const. art. I, section 20.