Rules of Appellate Procedure Rules

Rule 1: Scope and Construction of Rules.
Rule 2: Suspension of Rules.
Rule 3: Appeal as of Right: Availability; Method of Initiation.
Rule 4: Appeal as of Right: Time for Filing Notice of Appeal.
Rule 5: Appeal as of Right: Service of Notice of Appeal; Docketing of the Appeal.
Rule 6: Security for Costs on Appeal.
Rule 7: Stay or Injunction Pending Appeal.
Rule 8: Release in Criminal Cases.
Rule 9: Interlocutory Appeal by Permission from the Trial Court.
Rule 10: Extraordinary Appeal by Permission on Original Application in the Appellate Court.
Rule 11: Appeal by Permission from Appellate Court to Supreme Court.
Rule 12: Direct Review of Administrative Proceedings by the Court of Appeals.
Rule 13: Scope of Review.
Rule 14: Consideration of Post-Judgment Facts in the Appellate Court.
Rule 15: Voluntary Dismissal.
Rule 16: Joint and Consolidated Appeals.
Rule 17: Transfer of Cases Appealed to the Wrong Court.
Rule 18: Appeals by Indigent Persons.
Rule 19: Substitution, Addition and Dropping of Parties.
Rule 20: Filing and Service of Papers.
Rule 21: Computation and Extension of Time.
Rule 22: Motions.
Rule 23: Duty of Clerk to Give Notice of Filed Orders.
Rule 24: Content and Preparation of the Record.
Rule 25: Completion and Transmission of the Record.
Rule 26: Filing of the Record.
Rule 27: Content of Briefs.
Rule 28: Optional Appendix to the Briefs.
Rule 29: Filing and Service of Briefs.
Rule 30: Form of Briefs and Other Papers.
Rule 31: Brief and Oral Argument of an Amicus Curiae.
Rule 32: Notice to Attorney General When Validity of Statute, Rule or Regulation Is Questioned.
Rule 33: Prehearing Conference.
Rule 34: Voluntary Mediation.
Rule 35: Conduct of Oral Argument.
Rule 36: Relief; Effect of Error.
Rule 37: [ Reserved. ]
Rule 38: Entry of Judgment; Copies of Opinion and Judgment.
Rule 39: Rehearing.
Rule 40: Costs.
Rule 41: Interest on Judgments.
Rule 42: Issuance, Stay, and Recall of Mandates From the Appellate Court.
Rule 43: Filing of Mandate in the Trial Court and Proceedings Thereafter.
Rule 44: Process in the Appellate Court.
Rule 45: Rules by the Court of Appeals and Court of Criminal Appeals.
Rule 46: [ Reserved. ]
Rule 47: Title.
Rule 48: Forms.
Rule 49: Effective Date.
Rule 8A: Appeal as of Right in Termination of Parental Rights Cases
Rule 20A: Facsimile Filing