James C. Barbra v. Clarendon National Insurance

This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated _ 5-6-225(e)(3) for hearing and reporting to the Supreme Court of findings of fact and conclusions of law. The appellant, Clarendon National Insurance Company, is the workers' compensation insurance carrier for United Marine Corporation (hereafter "the employer"). The issue is whether an award of 62-1/2 percent partial disability to the body as a whole is excessive in light of the medical and vocational testimony. We affirm the judgment of the trial court.
Authoring Judge: Peoples, Sp. J.
Originating Judge:D. Kelly Thomas, Judge
Knox County Workers Compensation Panel 09/19/00
State vs. Roderick Johnson

A Davidson County jury convicted defendant of second degree murder. In this appeal as a matter of right, defendant challenges only the sufficiency of the evidence upon which the jury based his conviction. Our review of the record reflects sufficient evidence to support the jury's finding. Accordingly, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.
Authoring Judge: Judge Joe G. Riley
Originating Judge:J. Randall Wyatt, Jr.
Davidson County Court of Criminal Appeals 09/19/00
State of Tennessee v. Connie Easterly

Authoring Judge: Judge Norma McGee Ogle
Originating Judge:Robert Steven Bebb
Sequatchie County Court of Criminal Appeals 09/19/00
James Rainey vs. Leslie Head

This is a case involving termination of parental rights. The Appellant executed a consent order terminating his parental rights to his child. Asserting that he executed the order under influence and duress by the Appellee and her family, the Appellant then filed a Petition to Vacate Order Terminating Parental Rights. The Juvenile Court of Shelby County dismissed the Appellant's Petition.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Originating Judge:George E. Blancett
Shelby County Court of Appeals 09/19/00
Donnie Johnson vs. Centex

This appeal arises from an injury by Worker who fell through a hole in the roof while working on a construction site. Worker brought suit against the Owner, the General Contractor and Builder, who through its construction of precast concrete panels had created the hole. The trial court granted Owner and General Contractor summary judgment on the basis that both were acting in the capacity of a general contractor and were thus exempt from suit under the workers' compensation statutes. Builder, even through it no longer had control of the area where Worker was injured, was denied summary judgment on the basis that OSHA regulations created a non-delegable duty to prevent injuries. We affirm the trial court's granting of summary judgment to Owner and General Contractor. We reverse the trial court's denial of summary judgment for Builder, finding that OSHA regulations do not create a duty for Builder.
Authoring Judge: Judge David R. Farmer
Originating Judge:William B. Acree
Obion County Court of Appeals 09/19/00
State vs. William Lewis Houston

Defendant was convicted by a Giles County jury of eight drug offenses and one count of aggravated assault. He received an effective sentence of seventy-two years. In this appeal, the defendant makes the following allegations: (1) the evidence was insufficient to support his convictions; (2) the trial court committed plain error by consolidating all nine indictments for trial; (3) the process of selecting the jury venire was unconstitutional; (4) the trial court improperly limited the defendant's cross-examination of the undercover agent; (5) the trial court erred by admitting into evidence transcripts of certain tape recorded conversations and failed to properly instruct the jury concerning the transcripts; and (6) the trial court erred in its sentencing determinations. We conclude the trial court improperly sentenced the defendant and reduce the sentences to an effective term of forty-six years. The judgments of the trial court are affirmed in all other respects.
Authoring Judge: Judge Joe G. Riley
Originating Judge:Jim T. Hamilton
Giles County Court of Criminal Appeals 09/19/00
State vs. Lori A. Little

The Defendant, Lori A. Little, was convicted of two counts of forgery, both Class E felonies. In this appeal as of right, she argues (1) that the trial court improperly denied her the court's subpoena power prior to trial; (2) that the evidence was insufficient to support her convictions; (3) that the trial court improperly instructed the jury regarding NationsBank's obligations under the Uniform Commercial Code to reimburse customers for forgeries paid out of customers' accounts; (4) that the trial court improperly limited cross-examination of a prosecution witness regarding his bias; (5) that the jury was improperly tainted or biased by contact between a witness and a juror who were acquaintances; and (6) that the trial court intimidated the Defendant in a jury-out hearing during her direct examination at trial. We find no reversible error; thus, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.

Originating Judge:Walter C. Kurtz
Davidson County Court of Criminal Appeals 09/19/00
State vs.Robert Lewis Herrin

The appellant, Robert Lewis Herrin, pled guilty in the Marshall County Circuit Court to one count of theft of property worth one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more but less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), a class D felony. The trial court sentenced the appellant as a Range I offender to three years incarceration in the Tennessee Department of Correction, suspending all but 120 days of the appellant's sentence and granting him supervised probation for a term of ten years. As a special condition of probation, the trial court prohibited the appellant from engaging in "any type [of] construction business or solicitation for business." In this appeal, the appellant argues that the trial court erred in imposing this special condition of probation. Following a review of the record and the parties' briefs, we affirm the judgment of the trial court as modified.
Authoring Judge: Judge Norma McGee Ogle
Originating Judge:W. Charles Lee
Marshall County Court of Criminal Appeals 09/19/00
State vs. Bobbie Joe Rollins

The defendant was convicted by a Marshall County jury of reckless aggravated assault and sentenced by the trial court to ten years imprisonment as a Range III offender. In this appeal as a matter of right, the defendant claims the conflict between the trial court's erroneous written jury instruction requiring proof of venue in "Lincoln County," and the oral instruction requiring proof of venue in "Marshall County," requires reversal. After a through review of the record, we conclude that the issue has been waived. Furthermore, regardless of waiver, any error in the written jury instruction was clearly harmless. Therefore, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.
Authoring Judge: Judge Joe G. Riley
Originating Judge:W. Charles Lee
Marshall County Court of Criminal Appeals 09/19/00
State vs. Elizabeth Davis

The appellee, Elizabeth Davis, was indicted by a Unicoi County Grand Jury on November 20, 1995, for four counts of theft of property. On March 2, 1999, the State submitted a motion to the trial court to amend the indictment to correct the dates of the offenses set forth in all counts of the indictment and to reduce the value of the money alleged stolen in Count Four of the indictment. Following a hearing, the trial court denied the State's motion, whereupon the State requested the entry of an order of nolle prosequi as to all counts of the indictment. Instead, at the appellee's request, the trial court dismissed the indictment with prejudice pursuant to Tenn. R. Crim. P. 48(b). The State now brings this appeal as of right challenging both the trial court's dismissal of the indictment with prejudice and the trial court's denial of its motion to amend the indictment. Following a review of the record and the parties' briefs, we reverse the order of dismissal and remand this case for proceedings consistent with this opinion.
Authoring Judge: Judge Norma McGee Ogle
Originating Judge:Robert E. Cupp
Unicoi County Court of Criminal Appeals 09/19/00
State vs. Bernard Jerome Jones

The defendant was convicted by a Davidson County jury of possession with intent to sell or deliver 0.5 grams or more of cocaine. The trial court sentenced defendant to 16 years incarceration as a Range II multiple offender. In this appeal as a matter of right, defendant makes the following allegations of error: (1) the evidence was insufficient to support a finding of guilt; (2) the trial court erred by ruling that if defendant testified, the state could impeach his credibility by introducing defendant's prior drug convictions; and (3) the trial court erred in sentencing defendant to 16 years incarceration. After a thorough review of the record, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.
Authoring Judge: Judge Joe G. Riley
Originating Judge:Cheryl A. Blackburn
Davidson County Court of Criminal Appeals 09/19/00
Trau-Med vs. Allstate

Plaintiff medical clinic filed a complaint against an insurance company and several of its employees alleging, inter alia, that the defendants tortiously interfered with their business relationship, that the attorneys supplied by the insurance company to represent its insured were guilty of abuse of process and that the defendants conspired to destroy plaintiff's reputation in business. The trial court dismissed the complaint for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. Plaintiff has appealed.
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Originating Judge:Robert L. Childers
Shelby County Court of Appeals 09/19/00
Gratz Carden, Jr. v. The Tennessee Coal Company

This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated _ 5-6-225(e)(3) for a hearing and reporting of findings of fact and conclusions of law. The appellant/defendant challenges the trial court's award of permanent and total disability benefits to the appellee/plaintiff. Also, the appellant contends that the evidence does not support the trial court's award of benefits to the body as a whole. After an in-depth review of the entire record, briefs of the parties and applicable law, we affirm the trial court's judgment. Tenn. Code Ann. _ 5-6-225(e) (1999) Appeal as of Right; Judgment of the Circuit Court is Affirmed. LAFFERTY, SR. J., in which BARKER, J., and PEOPLES, SP. J., joined. Robert W. Knolton, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for the appellant, The Tennessee Coal Company. Roger L. Ridenour, Clinton, Tennessee, for the appellee, Gratz Carden, Jr. MEMORANDUM OPINION Trial Testimony The plaintiff, age 56, testified that he left the eighth (8th) grade to help supplement the family income. He worked in service stations, construction, and spent two years in the United States Army. In 1968, the plaintiff went to work in the coal mines of east Tennessee until his injury of November 15, 1995. The plaintiff stated that he started out as a laborer, was a boss on the job, and served as safety director. At the time of his injury, the plaintiff was a scoop operator. The plaintiff described the coal mines in the Tennessee area as low seam mines. These mines are approximately four (4) feet high. Most of the time a miner must walk bent over or be on their knees. At the time of his injury, the plaintiff was operating a head drive, which drives a belt line. This belt line removes coal from the mine. The plaintiff testified that he had the scoop of the head drive at the top of the mine when he slipped off the back of the head drive, falling about four (4) feet, striking the side of the scoop. The plaintiff was removed from the mine and taken to the Oak Ridge Hospital, where he spent three (3) days. The plaintiff was seen by Dr. John Jernigan for loss of balance, stomach sickness, and loss of hearing. The plaintiff stated that he underwent surgery but his loss of hearing did not improve. After three (3) months, his balance improved where he could walk by himself. Without Dr. Jernigan's knowledge, the plaintiff returned to work, "thinking I was going to get over this . . . I was being told the right side of my brain would block out all this damage." At work, the plaintiff would answer the telephone and occasionally grease the belt line. However, the plaintiff would become sick and have to leave work on occasion. The plaintiff testified that he was laid off after sixteen (16) months when the company closed the mine. Since the injury, the plaintiff testified that he cannot work around the home and has difficulty with walking or gardening. The plaintiff described his vision problems at night, "I'm like a drunk man trying, when I'm in the dark, I just cannot function. I can shut my eyes and go from the living room to the bedroom, if I leave my eyes open I'm bouncing off the walls." The plaintiff stated that he had always worked and provided for his family. His wife did not work outside of the home because he wanted her to stay home and take care of the children. The plaintiff testified that he had sustained two (2) past injuries on the job. The plaintiff broke his right foot, and on another occasion he broke his jaw. As a result, he only missed enough work for the doctor to treat his injuries and returned immediately to work. Since the plaintiff's lay off, he has received no income, but he and his wife have existed on his withdrawn retirement fund. The plaintiff stated that he cannot work an eight (8) hour day or a five (5) day week, due to his dizziness and balance problems. The plaintiff testified that about the time of this surgery, he took medication for his dizziness. Mrs. Bobbie Jean Carden, the plaintiff's wife, testified that her husband has been a great husband and father. She stated that she has never had to work outside the home since it was not necessary. Since the accident, she stated that her husband does not have any balance, and he must be slow in whatever he is doing. Mrs. Carden testified that she cleans houses and cooks for the elderly ladies in the neighborhood for five dollars ($5) an hour. When describing her husband's driving, Mrs. Carden stated, "he scares me to death . . . he cannot hear." Mrs. Carden testified that her husband must wear sunglasses since the sun kills his eyes and gives him a headache. She stated that her husband has a high tolerance for pain. When he broke his jaw and foot he went back to work immediately. Dr. Rodney E. Caldwell, a vocational consultant, testified that he met the plaintiff on December 8, 1998. Dr. Caldwell obtained the plaintiff's beliefs as to his ability to return to work, and he also reviewed the deposition of Dr. Jernigan. Dr. Caldwell stated that, in the interview, the plaintiff had not exaggerated his symptoms, and that they were consistent with what the plaintiff had told Dr. Jernigan. Dr. Caldwell described Dr. Jernigan's definition of "good balance function to mean normal balance function," as rather vague. Dr. Caldwell stated that one with balance problems would have difficulty lifting, climbing and bending over because one would tend to topple over. -2-
Authoring Judge: Lafferty, Sr. J.
Originating Judge:James B. Scott, Jr., Judge
Knox County Workers Compensation Panel 09/18/00
State vs. Larry Burks

The mobile home, which was the residence of the defendant and his wife, was searched, pursuant to a search warrant, and certain illegal substances were found. The defendant filed a motion to suppress, contesting the adequacy of the description of the place to be searched. Following a hearing on the motion and the trial court's upholding the validity of the search warrant, the defendant entered a plea of guilty to a drug offense, reserving as certified questions of law the adequacy of the portion of the search warrant describing the place to be searched and whether the search warrant sufficiently established the reliability of the confidential informant. Based upon our review, we affirm the finding of the trial court that the description of the premises was adequate. Our consideration of the second certified question of law is waived because this issue was not pursued on appeal.
Authoring Judge: Judge Alan E. Glenn
Originating Judge:J. Curtis Smith
Bledsoe County Court of Criminal Appeals 09/18/00
Stanley Kline vs. William Benefiel

This case arises from a home construction contract entered into by the Appellants and the Appellees. The Appellants filed a complaint against the Appellees in the Circuit Court of Shelby County for breach of contract. The Appellees filed a counter-complaint for breach of contract and unjust enrichment. The Appellants filed an amended complaint for violations of the Tennessee Consumer Protection Act. The trial court dismissed the Appellees' counter-complaint and found in favor of the Appellees as to the Appellants' complaint. The Appellants appeal from the order of the Circuit Court of Shelby County, finding in favor of the Appellees. For the reasons stated herein, we affirm the trial court's decision.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Originating Judge:Jon Kerry Blackwood
Shelby County Court of Appeals 09/18/00
State vs. Wilson

This is an appeal from the Circuit Court for Blount County, where Brandon Wilson, the defendant, pleaded guilty to seven counts of delivery of cocaine and to three counts (merged by the trial court into one count) of possession of cocaine with the intent to sell or deliver. Wilson appealed to the Court of Criminal Appeals contending, inter alia, that his indictments were legally insufficient and that the trial court erred in accepting the guilty plea because it was not voluntarily entered. The Court of Criminal Appeals agreed and reversed Wilson's convictions on all counts. We hold that the seven indictments for delivery of cocaine are sufficient; Wilson's convictions on these indictments are, therefore, reinstated. Additionally, because the issue concerning the voluntariness of Wilson's plea was not properly before the intermediate appellate court, we reinstate the conviction for possession of cocaine. This reinstatement is without prejudice to Wilson's right to file a petition for post-conviction relief within the appropriate time.
Authoring Judge: Justice Adolpho A. Birch, Jr.
Originating Judge:D. Kelly Thomas, Jr.
Blount County Supreme Court 09/18/00
Elizabeth Cates vs. Herbert Cates

This is a divorce dispute. Prior to divorce, the wife left the marital home, taking some of the parties' joint cash savings. On the day of the divorce hearing, the husband stipulated as to his inappropriate marital conduct, and the divorce was granted to the wife on that ground. The wife was awarded approximately 51% of the marital estate, rehabilitative alimony, and attorney's fees. The trial court excluded from its division of marital property the money the wife took when she moved out. The husband appeals. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge Holly M. Kirby
Originating Judge:Martha B. Brasfield
Tipton County Court of Appeals 09/18/00
Rain/Hail Ins. vs. James Peeler

This is a suit for the recovery of an insurance premium. The Appellant brought a complaint against the Appellee in the Circuit Court of Tipton County, seeking to recover the premium it claimed was due pursuant to a clause in the insurance policy. Both the Appellant and the Appellee brought motions for summary judgment. The trial court dismissed the Appellant's complaint and granted the Appellee's motion for summary judgment. The Appellant appeals the decision of the Circuit Court of Tipton County dismissing the Appellant's complaint and granting the Appellee's motion for summary judgment. For the reasons stated herein, we affirm the trial court's decision.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Originating Judge:Joseph H. Walker, III
Tipton County Court of Appeals 09/18/00
State vs. Samuel Wayne Loveday

The defendant, who was convicted of attempted aggravated rape, aggravated sexual battery, and aggravated assault, appealed these convictions, presenting as issues whether the out-of-court showup identification of the defendant was impermissibly suggestive and whether the subsequent in-court identification was tainted as a result. Based upon our review, we conclude that these issues are without merit and, thus, affirm the judgment of the trial court.
Authoring Judge: Judge Alan E. Glenn
Originating Judge:Ray L. Jenkins
Knox County Court of Criminal Appeals 09/18/00
State vs. James Christopher Lewis

The defendant entered an Alford plea to one count of attempted rape and two counts of sexual battery. He received a sentence of eight years as a Range II offender for the attempted rape and two years, as a Range I offender, for each of the sexual battery charges. All sentences were to be served concurrently. The defendant's request for a suspended sentence was denied after a lengthy hearing, and he raises that denial as the sole issue on appeal. Based upon our review, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.
Authoring Judge: Judge Alan E. Glenn
Originating Judge:R. Jerry Beck
Sullivan County Court of Criminal Appeals 09/18/00
Rhonda Moffitt vs. Paul Moffitt

In this divorce case, Husband appeals the trial court's final decree as it deals with the division of marital property, the division of marital debt (including crediting Wife for monies spent prior to the sale of the marital home), and child support arrearages. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Originating Judge:Joe C. Morris
Henderson County Court of Appeals 09/18/00

Authoring Judge: Judge Holly M. Kirby
Originating Judge:George R. Ellis
Gibson County Court of Appeals 09/18/00
State of Tennessee v. Russell E. Mills


Originating Judge:Timothy L. Easter
Williamson County Court of Criminal Appeals 09/15/00
Sam Simpson vs. Addie Davis

This appeal arises from a breach of fiduciary duty and unjust enrichment action initiated by Sam Simpson against Addie Davis. Simpson alleged Davis breached her duty as trustee of her deceased mother's estate and was unjustly enriched by Simpson's construction of a residence on Davis' property. The trial court held that although Davis did not breach a fiduciary duty, she was unjustly enriched. The court ordered the sale of both the property and residence with proceeds to be allocated between the parties. Davis appeals.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Originating Judge:Martha B. Brasfield
Fayette County Court of Appeals 09/15/00
State vs. Larry E. Scales

The defendant, Larry E. Scales, appeals his conviction of theft over $500 and his six-year sentence as a career offender. Because the trial court erroneously instructed the jury on the possible range of punishment, the judgment is reversed and the defendant is granted a new trial.
Authoring Judge: Judge Gary R Wade
Originating Judge:Charles D. Haston, Sr.
Warren County Court of Criminal Appeals 09/15/00