

Originating Judge:D. J. Alissandratos
Shelby County Court of Appeals 10/16/02
Henry Kerr v. Earl Lemoine

Appellant judgment creditor appeals from the action of the trial court in post-judgment proceedings allowing installment payments of the underlying judgment. The record before the Court is inadequate for appellate review, and acting within our discretion, we remand the case to the trial court for further proceedings.
Authoring Judge: Judge William B. Cain
Originating Judge:Carol L. Mccoy
Davidson County Court of Appeals 10/16/02
Bruce Martin vs. Beverly Martin

This is a divorce case. Prior to their marriage, the husband and the wife executed a prenuptial agreement. The agreement stated that upon divorce, if jointly-held property were sold, each party would be credited his or her share of separate property contributed to the purchase of the jointly-held property, with the remaining funds divided according to each party's ownership share. After the parties married, they purchased land with the intention of converting it into a catfish farm. The husband and the wife both contributed financially towards the purchase of the land. Both parties worked full time. The husband used his machinery that he owned separately and expended labor to convert the land to a catfish farm. The wife maintained their home. The parties divorced. At the divorce hearing, the husband argued that, under the terms of the prenuptial agreement, he should be credited for his labor and the use of his heavy machinery to improve the farm land. The trial court declined to do so, and credited the husband and the wife with their respective financial contributions. The parties' personal property was divided equally. The husband appeals, arguing that he should have been credited for his labor and the use of his heavy machinery, and also disputing the division of the personal property. The wife asserts that she should have received a larger percentage of the proceeds from the sale of the property. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge Holly M. Kirby
Originating Judge:Ron E. Harmon
Benton County Court of Appeals 10/16/02
State of Tennessee v. Timothy Wayne Grimes


A Dickson County Circuit Court jury convicted the defendant, Timothy Wayne Grimes, of possession of a Schedule IV controlled substance with intent to deliver, a Class D felony, and the trial court sentenced him as a Range III, persistent offender to eight years in a community corrections program. The defendant appeals, claiming that the trial court erred by failing to instruct the jury as to the lesser included offenses of simple possession and casual exchange. We conclude that the trial court erred by failing to instruct the jury regarding simple possession of the controlled substance. Although we hold that casual exchange is not a lesser included offense of possession with intent to deliver, we also conclude that the trial court should have instructed the jury regarding the casual exchange inference provided in Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-419. We reverse the judgment of conviction and remand the case for a new trial.

Authoring Judge: Judge Joseph M. Tipton
Originating Judge:Judge Robert Burch
Dickson County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/16/02
Michael A. Maddox v. State of Tennessee


The Petitioner was found guilty by a jury of five counts of sexual battery by an authority figure, a Class C felony, and two counts of aggravated sexual battery, a Class B felony. The trial court sentenced the Petitioner to an effective sixteen-year term. This Court affirmed the Petitioner's conviction and sentence on direct appeal. The Petitioner then filed a petition for post-conviction relief, which the post-conviction court denied. The Petitioner now appeals the denial of post-conviction relief, arguing that his counsel at trial was ineffective. Finding no error, we affirm the judgment of the post-conviction court.

Authoring Judge: Judge Robert W. Wedemeyer
Originating Judge:Judge W. Charles Lee
Marshall County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/16/02
Judy Rodriguez v. Metro Gov't. of Nashville

Municipal employee filed a petition for review of civil service commission order terminating her employment. The chancery court affirmed the order of the commission, finding that the record contained substantial and material evidence to support the termination. The employee has appealed. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Originating Judge:Ellen Hobbs Lyle
Davidson County Court of Appeals 10/16/02
Ginnie Leach vs. Tim Taylor

Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Originating Judge:Clayburn L. Peeples
Gibson County Court of Appeals 10/16/02
Ginnie Leach vs. Tim Taylor

Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Originating Judge:Clayburn L. Peeples
Gibson County Court of Appeals 10/16/02
Anna Lamb v. State

This appeal stems from a mother's allegations that her mentally impaired daughter was sexually abused while in the custody of the Alvin C. York Agricultural Institute. The mother filed a claim on her daughter's behalf with the Division of Claims seeking $300,000 in damages. The claim was transferred to the Tennessee Claims Commission where, following a hearing, a Commissioner dismissed the claim because the mother had failed to establish that her daughter had been sexually abused while she was in the State's custody. The mother asserts on this appeal that the evidence preponderates against the Commissioner's findings. We affirm the Commissioner's dismissal of the claim.
Authoring Judge: Judge William C. Koch, Jr.
Court of Appeals 10/16/02


Originating Judge:Ellen Hobbs Lyle
Davidson County Court of Appeals 10/16/02
Helen Hall vs. James Hall

Plaintiff-wife sued defendant husband for a divorce on the grounds of inappropriate marital conduct and irreconcilable differences. After a nonjury trial, a divorce was awarded to wife and she was awarded alimony in futuro and part of her attorney fees. Husband has appealed the award of in futuro alimony. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Originating Judge:Martha B. Brasfield
Tipton County Court of Appeals 10/16/02
Jackie Reynolds vs. Tammy Battles

This is an appeal from on order denying a Tenn. R. Civ. P. 60.02 motion to set aside a default judgment entered in favor of the plaintiffs for $1,200,000. We vacate the order of the trial court and remand for further proceedings.
Authoring Judge: Judge David R. Farmer
Originating Judge:C. Creed Mcginley
Hardin County Court of Appeals 10/16/02
State v. Michael Pate

This case originated in the Juvenile Court of Dickson County, Tennessee and was appealed to the circuit court pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated section 37-1-159(a). Michael Pate appeals the action of the circuit court adopting the juvenile court action with slight modifications. We affirm the action of the trial court.
Authoring Judge: Judge William B. Cain
Originating Judge:Allen W. Wallace
Dickson County Court of Appeals 10/16/02
Jesse E. Rogers v. State of Tennessee


The petitioner, Jesse E. Rogers, entered "best interest" guilty pleas to five counts of rape of a child. He was sentenced to twenty-five years incarceration in the Tennessee Department of Correction for each offense, with the sentences to be served concurrently. The petitioner subsequently filed for post-conviction relief. Following an evidentiary hearing, the post-conviction court denied relief and the petitioner timely appealed. We affirm the judgment of the post-conviction court.

Authoring Judge: Judge Norma McGee Ogle
Originating Judge:Judge James Edward Beckner
Hawkins County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/16/02
State of Tennessee v. Marquez Winters


The Shelby County Grand Jury indicted the Defendant for two counts of especially aggravated kidnapping and for one count of criminal attempt to commit first degree murder. The Defendant was subsequently convicted of one count of aggravated kidnapping and of one count of criminal attempt to commit first degree murder. The trial court sentenced the Defendant to consecutive maximum sentences totaling thirty-seven years. The Defendant now appeals his sentences, arguing that the trial court erred in its application of enhancement factors, that the trial court improperly imposed maximum sentences for both convictions, and that the trial court erred in ordering the sentences to be served consecutively. Although the trial court erred in its application of certain enhancement factors, we conclude that it properly considered other enhancement factors which warranted sentencing the Defendant to consecutive maximum terms. Therefore, we affirm the sentences imposed by the trial court.

Authoring Judge: Judge Robert W. Wedemeyer
Originating Judge:Judge W. Fred Axley
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/15/02
Lafayette Romine Sr./Debra Romine vs. Julia Fernandez & Johnathan Isom

Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Originating Judge:Robert L. Childers
Shelby County Court of Appeals 10/15/02
Kubota Credit vs. Doug Tillman

The plaintiff creditor in this case filed suit to recover a tractor that was subject to a security agreement and was pawned to the defendant pawnbroker. The court below awarded summary judgment to the creditor. The pawnbroker appeals, claiming the creditor's security agreement was not properly perfected, and that the creditor therefore does not have a superior right to possession of the tractor. We find issues of material fact exist regarding whether the security agreement was perfected, whether the pledgor had authority to pawn the tractor, and whether the pawn transaction was entered into in good faith. We reverse summary judgment and remand.
Authoring Judge: Judge David R. Farmer
Originating Judge:Joseph H. Walker, III
Tipton County Court of Appeals 10/15/02
Lafayette Romine Sr./Debra Romine vs. Julia Fernandez & Johnathan Isom

Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Originating Judge:Robert L. Childers
Shelby County Court of Appeals 10/15/02
Patsy Moss vs. John McGarvey

This is an action to collect a child support arrearage. The mother and father of two minor children were divorced in 1973, and custody was awarded to the mother. In July 1981, the trial court entered a consent order requiring the father to pay the mother $35 per week in child support. In May 2000, nineteen years after the consent order was entered and ten years after the younger child turned eighteen, the mother filed a petition to collect the child support arrearage from the father. The father argued, among other things, that the mother's petition was barred by the doctrine of laches. The trial court granted the mother's petition and ordered the father to pay the child support arrearage, plus interest and attorney's fees. The father now appeals that order. We affirm, based on established caselaw holding that the doctrine of laches is not available as a defense in an action to recover child support arrearages.
Authoring Judge: Judge Holly M. Kirby
Originating Judge:George E. Blancett
Shelby County Court of Appeals 10/15/02
Melvin Johnson v. State of Tennessee


The Shelby County Criminal Court dismissed the petition for post-conviction relief filed by the petitioner, Melvin Johnson, as untimely under the one-year statute of limitations. In this appeal, the sole issue before this court is whether the petitioner's allegation that he was housed in a therapeutic community with limited access to legal information tolls the statute of limitations. Upon review of the record, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.

Authoring Judge: Judge Joe G. Riley
Originating Judge:Judge J. C. Mclin
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/15/02
Willie Joseph Lagano v. State of Tennessee


Petitioner, Willie Joseph Lagano, filed a petition for writ of habeas corpus in the trial court. The trial court summarily dismissed the petition without an evidentiary hearing. Petitioner appealed. After a thorough review of the record, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.

Authoring Judge: Judge Thomas T. Woodall
Originating Judge:Judge Seth W. Norman
Davidson County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/15/02
State of Tennessee v. Gregory Key


Defendant, Gregory Key, was indicted by the Rutherford County Grand Jury on two counts of aggravated sexual battery. During a hearing on several pretrial motions, defense counsel, Darrell Scarlett, advised the trial court of a joint business venture between himself and Detective Lawson, an investigating officer in the case. The court entered an Order disqualifying Defendant's attorney from further representation, finding that the relationship constituted an appearance of impropriety. Pursuant to Rule 9 of the Tennessee Rules of Appellate Procedure, Defendant appeals the trial court's disqualification of his attorney and argues that he waived any conflict or appearance of impropriety after full disclosure.

Authoring Judge: Judge Thomas T. Woodall
Originating Judge:Judge James K. Clayton, Jr.
Rutherford County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/15/02
State of Tennessee v. Nelson Edward Meeks


Nelson Edward Meeks appeals the sentence imposed for three convictions for third offense driving under the influence, reckless driving, and driving on a revoked license. He claims that the lower court erred in (1) failing to consider the statutory sentencing principles and considerations, and (2) imposing a sentence not authorized by law. Because we disagree in both respects, we affirm.

Authoring Judge: Judge J. Curwood Witt, Jr.
Originating Judge:Judge Thomas W. Graham
Marion County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/15/02
James E. Swiggett v. State of Tennessee


The Defendant, James E. Swiggett, was convicted by a jury in 1992 of first degree premeditated murder. His conviction was affirmed on direct appeal. See State v. James Swiggett, No. 03C01-9209-CR-00312, 1994 Tenn. Crim. App. LEXIS 766 (Knoxville, Nov. 23, 1994), perm. appeal den. (Tenn. 1995). The Defendant subsequently filed for post-conviction relief, which petition was denied by the trial court as barred by the statute of limitations. This ruling was affirmed on direct appeal. See James E. Swiggett v. State, No. 03C01-9804-CR-00161, 1999 Tenn. Crim. App. LEXIS 422 (Knoxville, May 4, 1999), perm. appeal den. (Tenn. 1999). The Defendant then filed the instant petition for post-conviction relief, claiming grounds for tolling the statute of limitations. The trial court summarily dismissed the instant petition on the grounds that a prior petition had already been filed. This appeal followed. We affirm the judgment of the trial court.

Authoring Judge: Judge David H. Welles
Originating Judge:Judge James E. Beckner
Greene County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/15/02
First Citizens Nat'l Bank for Will Wray vs. Janice Wray

This case involves a trust. The decedent established a trust in his will. His son-in-law and a bank were designated as co-trustees. A parcel of property with a home was placed into the trust. The trust allowed one of the beneficiaries, the decedent's grandson, and his wife to live in the house at no charge. The beneficiary and his wife divorced, and as part of their marital dissolution agreement, the beneficiary gave his ex-wife his possessory interest in the home, at no charge. The son-in-law/trustee died, leaving the bank as the sole trustee. The bank required the ex-wife to begin paying rent; she declined. The bank then filed the instant lawsuit against the ex-wife for past rent from the time they first requested rent from her, and also a declaratory judgment permitting the bank to sell the home. The trial court found that the trustees ratified the terms of the MDA between the beneficiary and the ex-wife, allowing her to remain in the home rent-free until the trust expired. The bank appeals. We reverse, finding that the trustees could not ratify the MDA, a contract to which the trust was not a party.
Authoring Judge: Judge Holly M. Kirby
Originating Judge:Lee Moore
Lake County Court of Appeals 10/15/02