Lonnie Wilder vs. Leslie Wilder

In this divorce case, the Trial Court awarded husband attorney's fees against wife. On appeal, we reverse.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Herschel P. Franks
Originating Judge:John D. Mcafee
Claiborne County Court of Appeals 08/29/01
Myron Hubbard vs. Sandi Hubbard

The Trial Court granted appellee Judgement before the 30 days to answer process provided in the Rules of Civil Procedure had expired. On appeal, we vacate and remand.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Herschel P. Franks
Originating Judge:W. Dale Young
Blount County Court of Appeals 08/29/01
Thomas Wynns III vs. Rae Cummings

This case involves a dispute between Thomas Clinton Wynns, III ("Thomas") and Rae Ann Cummings ("Rae Ann"), the son and granddaughter of Mrs. Leola Wynns ("Leola"), concerning Leola's mental capacity and ability to manage her own affairs. Plaintiff, Thomas, holder of a power of attorney from his mother, filed a complaint against the defendant, Rae Ann, seeking to have Rae Ann turn over to him all of Leola's assets in possession of Rae Ann. Rae Ann filed an answer to the complaint and a petition for appointment of a conservator for Leola and for an injunction against Thomas from removing any more of her assets. After a nonjury trial, the trial court found that the court had jurisdiction to appoint a conservator for Leola; that the facts warranted the appointment of a conservator; that the power of attorney held by Thomas and a will executed by Leola in 1998 were void, and that the quit claim deed executed on April 22, 1999, in favor of Thomas, was also void. Thomas appeals. We affirm in part, vacate in part, and remand.
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Originating Judge:Walter L. Evans
Shelby County Court of Appeals 08/29/01
Guy Varnadoe vs. Shelton McGhee Jr.

This appeal arises from a breach of contract claim brought by the Appellee against the Appellants in the Chancery Court of Shelby County. The trial court entered a consent order, referring the case to a special master. Pursuant to the consent order, the trial court directed the special master to conduct an investigation and report his findings to the trial court. The special master conducted an investigation and submitted his report to the trial court. The special master concluded that the Appellee was entitled to full payment under the contract but that the Appellants were entitled to a set-off. The trial court entered a judgment in the Appellee's favor and gave the Appellants a set-off. The trial court ordered that the fees approved by the special master be divided equally between the Appellants and the Appellee.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Originating Judge:Floyd Peete, Jr.
Shelby County Court of Appeals 08/29/01
New Covenant Baptist Church vs. Panther Sark

In this suit New Covenant Baptist Church seeks a declaration that certain restrictions applicable to Technology Park West subdivision do not preclude New Covenant from using one of the lots for driveway purposes to other unrestricted property owned by New Covenant outside the subdivision. Panther Sark, a partnership, and certain other owners of lots in the subdivision were named as Defendants and they filed a counter-complaint seeking a declaration to the contrary. The Trial Court found in favor of New Covenant. We reverse and hold in favor of the partnership and other owners of lots in the subdivision.
Authoring Judge: Judge Houston M. Goddard
Originating Judge:Thomas R. Frierson, II
Knox County Court of Appeals 08/29/01
Richard Crowe vs. First American

Owner of a pickup truck sued the bank that financed the purchase for conversion after the bank repossessed the truck. The trial court entered judgment on a jury verdict for plaintiff in the amount of $250,000.00. Bank appeals. We affirm in part reverse in part and remand.
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Originating Judge:Jon Kerry Blackwood
McNairy County Court of Appeals 08/29/01
Jeffrey Miller v. State of Tennessee


Jeffrey Miller appeals the Meigs County Criminal Court's dismissal of his petitions for writ of error coram nobis and writ of habeas corpus. Both petitions seek redress for Miller's grievance that he has been required to serve felony sentences in the Department of Correction, although his plea agreements designated the location of confinement to be the Meigs County Jail. Because neither coram nobis nor habeas corpus relief is available to address a concern of this nature and because the petitioner's claims are factually unfounded, we affirm.

Authoring Judge: Judge J. Curwood Witt, Jr.
Originating Judge:Judge E. Eugene Eblen
Meigs County Court of Criminal Appeals 08/29/01
Margaret Tobitt vs. Bridgestone/Fireston, Inc.

Authoring Judge: Justice Frank F. Drowota, III
Originating Judge:Charles D. Haston, Sr.
Warren County Supreme Court 08/29/01


Originating Judge:Floyd Peete, Jr.
Shelby County Court of Appeals 08/29/01
State of Tennessee v. Wygenzo Coburn


The defendant was convicted of voluntary manslaughter, a Class C felony, and sentenced as a Range I, standard offender to four years, six months in the county workhouse. In this appeal as of right, he raises the following issues: (1) whether the evidence was sufficient to support his conviction; (2) whether the trial court erred in failing to include "moral certainty" language in its reasonable doubt instruction to the jury; and (3) whether the trial court erred in its application of enhancement factor (10). Based upon a careful review, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.

Authoring Judge: Judge Alan E. Glenn
Originating Judge:Judge W. Fred Axley
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 08/29/01
Rouse Construction Co. vs. Interstate Steel Corp.

This is a case wherein the Plaintiff/Appellant, Rouse Construction Company, seeks damages for breach of contract from the Defendant/Appellee, Interstate Steel Corporation. The Chancellor found that there was no meeting of minds between the parties as to essential contract terms and, therefore, ordered that Rouse's claim be denied. The Chancellor further determined that Interstate should be allowed a judgment in the amount of $19,090.00 for materials and plans delivered to Rouse. We concur in the determination of the Chancellor and affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge Houston M. Goddard
Originating Judge:Sharon J. Bell
Knox County Court of Appeals 08/29/01
Margaret Tobitt vs. Bridgestone/Fireston, Inc.

Authoring Judge: Justice Frank F. Drowota, III
Originating Judge:Charles D. Haston, Sr.
Warren County Supreme Court 08/29/01
Carl O. Koella, Jr. vs. Fred McHargue, et ux

Defendants have right of first refusal on tract of real property. The Trial Court held that the giving of a quitclaim deed did not trigger the right of first refusal. Defendants appealed, we affirm.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Herschel P. Franks
Originating Judge:C. K. Smith
Blount County Court of Appeals 08/29/01
Wanda Steinbrunner vs. Tuner Funeral Home, Inc., et al

Six years after her husband died, Wanda J. Steinbrunner sued the Chattanooga funeral home that handled his burial and the medical examiner that performed his autopsy. She made various claims based upon theories of negligence, gross negligence, and outrageous conduct. The trial court granted the funeral home and the medical examiner summary judgment. Steinbrunner appeals, challenging the grant of summary judgment. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Originating Judge:Jacqueline E. Schulten
Hamilton County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
Roberts vs. Everhart Steel Const. Co. Inc.

In this action for damages for personal injuries allegedly caused by defendant's negligence, a jury awarded damages. On appeal, we conclusively presume the Judgment is correct, because we cannot review all of the evidence heard by the jury.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Herschel P. Franks
Originating Judge:Samuel H. Payne
Hamilton County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
Blake Burton, et al vs. Hardwood Pallets, Inc., et al

This appeal involves a dispute between the sellers of a business and the bank that financed a portion of the purchase price. The plaintiffs, Blake Burton and Michael Burton, entered into an agreement with the defendant, Hardwood Pallets, Inc., to sell the Burtons' pallet manufacturing business. As partial consideration for the sale, Hardwood Pallets executed an unsecured promissory note to the Burtons in the amount of $1,000,000. Additional consideration for the sale was obtained by way of an $800,000 loan from the defendant, AmSouth Bank, to Hardwood Pallets; as a part of the bank transaction, Hardwood Pallets pledged its assets as collateral. As a condition to the making of the loan, AmSouth required the Burtons to execute a subordination agreement. When Hardwood Pallets defaulted on the bank loan, AmSouth sold the collateral at a private sale. Litigation ensued. In addition to suing Hardwood Pallets and its shareholders, the Burtons sued AmSouth, alleging procurement of breach of contract and civil conspiracy to defraud. AmSouth filed a counterclaim, alleging that the Burtons breached the subordination agreement. It also filed a motion for summary judgment, asserting that it acted within its rights under the subordination agreement. The trial court entered a judgment in favor of AmSouth pursuant to Tenn. R. Civ. P. 54.02. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Originating Judge:Samuel H. Payne
Hamilton County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
Sherry Lee Lightfoot v. Tommy Edwin Lightfoot


Originating Judge:L. Marie Williams
Hamilton County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
State of Tennessee v. Robert Blanton, Jr. - Order


The defendant, Robert Blanton, Jr., was indicted by the Montgomery County Grand Jury on June 6, 1995, on one count of sale of marijuana and one count of delivery of marijuana, both Class E felonies. The defendant pled guilty to the indictment, and the trial court sentenced the defendant to probation. An affidavit of violation of probation was filed on April 17, 1996, and amended on September 6, 1996.

Authoring Judge: Judge John Everett Williams
Montgomery County Court of Criminal Appeals 08/28/01
Southwest Williamson County Community Assoc. et al vs. Bruce Saltsman

Being dissatisfied with the State's concept of, and planning for, the extension of State Route 840 through southwest Williamson County, three residents in the County, two nonprofit corporations, and a partnership that owns property in the County, sued J. Bruce Saltsman, Sr. ("the Commissioner"), in his official capacity as Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Transportation ("TDOT"). Following a bench trial, the court below entered a final judgment including (1) a writ of mandamus ordering the Commissioner to perform a number of "duties" in connection with Route 840; and (2) a permanent injunction enjoining him from moving forward with the planning and construction of Route 840 through Williamson County until he complies with the trial court's order. The Commissioner appeals. In addition to other bases for reversal, he asserts that the trial court lacked subject matter jurisdiction of this controversy. We agree with the appellant that the trial court was without subject matter jurisdiction. Accordingly, we reverse the judgment below in its entirety and dismiss the petition.
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Originating Judge:J. Russ Heldman
Williamson County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
Tennessee Farmers Mutual Ins. Co. vs. SA W. Jeong

Tennessee Farmers Mutual Insurance Company ("Tennessee Farmers") brought a declaratory judgment action against Sa W. Jeong ("the injured party"); her daughter, Hyunlan Lee; and her son-in-law, Jack Sung K. Lee (the defendants Lee are referred to herein collectively as "the Lees"), asking the trial court to "declare whether or not Tennessee Farmers is obligated to afford liability coverage to [the Lees] in connection with the lawsuit filed against them by [the injured party]." At the conclusion of a bench trial, the trial judge ruled in favor of the defendants, finding that the word "reside" and its derivatives "resident" and "residing," particularly as the latter two words are used in the policy language excluding coverage of a claim by a "covered person" or one "residing in the same household," are ambiguous, and that the language of the policy should be construed against Tennessee Farmers as the drafter of the policy. The court ordered Tennessee Farmers to provide liability coverage to the Lees with respect to the subject lawsuit. Tennessee Farmers appeals, raising issues as to whether the trial court correctly ruled that the policy is ambiguous, and whether the trial court was correct in finding that the word "resident" was susceptible to a reasonable meaning that would exclude the injured party from the ambit of the subject exclusionary language in the policy. We find that the subject policy provision is not ambiguous; however, we conclude that the injured party was not "residing in [the Lees'] household" as that language has been construed by applicable case law. Accordingly, we affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Originating Judge:Lawrence H. Puckett
Bradley County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
James Laney vs. Evelyn Oldham

Evelyn B. Oldham ("Defendant") sold to James C. R. Laney ("Plaintiff") a house and lot located next to a Chalet owned by Defendant. Defendant granted Plaintiff an easement for use of a driveway. Plaintiff later converted his residence into a business. In 1993, the Trial Court entered an Order interpreting the easement to allow Plaintiff's use of the driveway for a "normal amount of delivery." No appeal was taken from this Order. In 2000, the Trial Court, but a different trial judge, entered another Order interpreting the 1993 Order to allow for a normal amount of business deliveries using the driveway. We conclude that the 1993 Order permits only a normal amount of deliveries consistent with a residential use. We reverse the decision of the Trial Court, and remand for further proceedings.
Authoring Judge: Judge David Michael Swiney
Originating Judge:W. Frank Brown, III
Hamilton County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
Phillip Ledford vs. Bradley Memorial Hospital

The plaintiffs, Phillip A. Ledford ("Ledford") and his wife, Elizabeth Ledford, filed suit against the defendants, Daniel V. Johnson, M.D., Bradley Memorial Hospital ("the Hospital"), and Southeast Tennessee Orthopedics, Inc. ("Southeast"), alleging medical malpractice arising out of surgery performed by Dr. Johnson on Ledford's broken arm. The trial court granted the defendants summary judgment. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Originating Judge:Lawrence H. Puckett
Bradley County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
State of Tennessee v. Marcia Lynn Williams


The appellant, Marcia Lynn Williams, entered a best interest guilty plea in the Circuit Court of Marshall County to one count of obtaining drugs by false pretense, a class D felony. Following a sentencing hearing, the trial court imposed a sentence of three years incarceration in the Tennessee Department of Correction. On appeal, the appellant argues that the trial court erred by denying the appellant a sentence in the community corrections program. After a review of the record and the parties' briefs, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.

Authoring Judge: Judge Norma McGee Ogle
Originating Judge:Judge W. Charles Lee
Marshall County Court of Criminal Appeals 08/28/01
In Re: Estate of Lois Chandler

Buster Chandler, Jr. ("Chandler") was appointed administrator of the estate of his mother, Lois Chandler, who died intestate in 1998. Chandler is incarcerated in Kentucky for a murder he committed in 1990. Chandler requested the Chancery Court arrange for his transportation from prison in Kentucky to Knoxville, Tennessee, so he could be present for the hearing regarding the closing of his mother's estate and so he could meet with the Knox County Attorney General regarding his murder conviction in Kentucky. Chandler argued that the Attorney General wanted to try him for the murder in Knoxville and would assist in obtaining a pardon from the governor of Kentucky. The Chancery Court denied his request, closed his mother's estate, and assessed court costs against Chandler as administrator. Chandler appeals. We affirm the Chancery Court.
Authoring Judge: Judge David Michael Swiney
Originating Judge:John F. Weaver
Knox County Court of Appeals 08/28/01
Dorothy Owen vs. George Summers

This is an action to set aside a warranty deed. Plaintiff-Grantor filed suit on February 11, 1997, to set aside a deed executed July 11, 1989, on the grounds of fraud and mental incompetency. The defendant grantee denied fraud and mental incompetency and affirmatively relied upon the seven-year statute of limitations. Following a jury trial, which ended in a mistrial, the parties stipulated that the case be submitted to the chancellor who conducted the trial for a nonjury determination from the trial transcript and trial exhibits. The chancellor found that the seven-year statute of limitations had been tolled by virtue of the grantor's mental incompetence, the deed was procured by fraud, and that the grantor was mentally incompetent on the date of the execution of the deed. The chancellor rescinded the deed. Defendant-Grantee has appealed. We affirm.
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Originating Judge:Dewey C. Whitenton
Fayette County Court of Appeals 08/28/01