Become a Rule 31 Mediator

Before being listed as a Rule 31 Mediator, applicants are required, pursuant to Rule 31, Section 14, to meet certain qualifications in Education, Work Experience, and Training.

There are two different types of Rule 31 Listings, general civil and family. Applicants can become listed as one type or as both types. Applicants must have at least a baccalaureate degree.  Applicants must complete a 40 ADR Commission approved training for General Civil Listing or a 46 hour ADR Commission approved training for Family Listing before submitting an application. The training must be completed prior to submitting an application.

General Civil Requirements

Family Requirements

Information from the Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission, April 21, 2020:
“While many people obtain Rule 31 training for the primary purpose of enhancing their professional and/or leadership skills, some desire, and “expect,” to earn income as a Rule 31 Listed Mediator. Based on the record of mediation reports to the ADRC, it is clear that the majority of those who are now Rule 31 Listed Mediators do not earn a substantial income from a mediation practice. This is not to say that a Rule 31 Listed Mediator cannot have a successful mediation practice, but it generally takes a lot of work and years to get to the point where income from a mediation practice can be consistently significant. On the other hand, in many parts of the State, there are opportunities to make societal contributions by working with community mediation centers and other non-profit organization in providing pro bono mediation services.”

Organizations that request and are approved by the ADR Commission to conduct TN Rule 31 Mediator Training may be found at the links below. Please contact the Trainer directly for course dates and to register.

Approved General Civil Mediation Trainings

Approved Family Mediation Trainings

If you wish to become listed as both types, you must complete a crossover training AFTER you have completed one of the 40 or 46-hour trainings above. 

Approved General Civil to Family Crossover Trainings

Approved Family to General Civil Crossover Training

Approved Domestic Violence Training

Once the required training is completed, please review and follow the AOC Access Management Portal Login Registration Process Instructions and the ADR Online Application Instructions. Then, visit the AOC Access Management Portal to register as an ADR User and fill out the online application. As of May 31, 2017, only online applications will be reviewed. ALL materials (including letters of reference, letters of good standing, training certificate, additional documents, etc.) must be submitted using the online application. No paper applications or materials will be accepted. If you submit a paper application, we will contact you to let you know that we will not process the paper application and will direct you to the online application.

Please submit the application fee. You may pay online by following the instructions at the end of the online application. Alternatively, you may pay via check or money order made payable to the Administrative Office of the Courts and mailed to the following address received by the deadline listed below:

Tennessee Supreme Court
Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission
Nashville City Center, Suite 600
511 Union Street
Nashville, TN 37219

Please see the dates below for deadlines to submit an application:
  • December 7, 2023 for review on January 16, 2024
  • April 1, 2024 for review on April 29, 2024
  • June 3, 2024 for review on July 16, 2024
  • September 2, 2024 for review on October 15, 2023

NOTE: Submission is NOT complete and the ADRC cannot review until the blue "Send Application" button is clicked. Applicants will receive an auto generated confirmation email. If you do not receive the email, please contact AOC Staff below.

Effective April 23, 2014, your application and fee must be received at the Administrative Office of the Courts, Nashville City Center, 511 Union Street, Nashville, TN 37219, by close of business at 4:30 PM on the application deadline date in order to be reviewed at the corresponding meeting date.

Please read Rule 31, Section 14 carefully to learn about additional requirements. If you have questions regarding Rule 31, contact our team at or call 615-741-2687. If you have any technical issues using the online application, contact Amy Park at or 615-741-2687.