
This section of the website includes a number of resources to help members of the news media cover the judicial branch of state government. If you have any questions about covering the courts in Tennessee, please contact the public information office. We welcome your feedback and questions.


Capital Cases
A list of capital cases that have, at one point, neared their execution date.


Below are links to a variety of resources to help you research cases in the appellate courts.

Appellate Court Opinion Search
Search opinions from the Supreme Court, Supreme Court Workers' Compensation Panel, Court of Appeals and Court of Criminal Appeals. Opinions go back to 1994.

Appellate Court Oral Argument Docket
A schedule of the cases set to be argued in front of the appellate courts.

Public Case History
Search the status of appellate court cases by docket number or party in the case.

Supreme Court Pending Case Report
A monthly report on the status of cases that are before the Supreme Court.