Rex M. Massengale, Sr., v. Audrey L. Massengale

Case Number

This is a post-divorce proceeding involving the custody of the parties' one minor child, Rex M. Massengale, Jr., whose date of birth is September 20, 1985. The parties were divorced by the "Final Judgment and Decree" of the Dade County, Georgia, Superior Court entered on October 19, 1993. That document approved and adopted the parties' agreement that the child's custody should be vested with his mother, Audrey L. Williamson1 (Mother2). The instant controversy was initiated by the child's father, Rex M. Massengale, Sr. (Father), on November 16, 1994, not quite 13 months after the divorce, when he filed a petition to change the child's custody. After a bench trial, the trial court dismissed the Father's petition. Father appeals, raising two issues:

Authoring Judge
Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Originating Judge
Judge Robert M. Summitt
Case Name
Rex M. Massengale, Sr., v. Audrey L. Massengale
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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