The AOC Juvenile Court Services Coordinator
Stephanie Etheridge is our primary contact for juvenile court Youth Service and Probation Officers for all Tennessee Juvenile Courts. This position coordinates the program dealing with juvenile issues of the “Mid-Winter Conference” each February, the Judges' portion of the annual “Joint Conference on Juvenile Justice” in August, and plans, coordinates and manages training made possible by a grant from the Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth (TCCY) in March and June. In collaboration with the Tennessee Juvenile Court Services Association this individual also develops and maintains a Core Curriculum used to provide orientation and training for all new court staff supporting our juvenile courts. The position works under the direction of Rachel Harmon, General Counsel.
Stephanie can be reached via the following:
Stephanie Etheridge
Tennessee Supreme Court
Administrative Office of the Courts
511 Union Street, Suite 600
Nashville, TN 37219
Telephone: 615-741-2687 x 1111
Facsimile: 615-253-3423
The AOC Technology Division
The AOC Technology Division also provides an array of technical support services to assist court personnel across the state as well as provide judicial statistical data collection statewide. Monthly juvenile court statistical data is now being reported to, and collected by, the Technology Division, led by the division director, Brandon Bowers.
Juvenile data collection and support:
Beverly Edmonds
511 Union Street, 7th floor
Nashville, TN 37219
615-741-2687 x 4000