Melanie Miller, Ashley Miller Luna, & Gregory Luna v. Gary D. Niblack, M.D., Laboratory Investments Inc., - Concurring

Case Number

This is an action for negligence in the conducting of a paternity test. The  trial court entered summary judgment in favor of the appellees, Gary D. Niblack, M.D., Laboratory Investments, Inc. and Ren Laboratories, Inc. d/b/a Ren Histocompatibility Laboratory, a joint venture, and John Doe. The appellants, Melanie Miller, individually and as next friend for Ashley Miller Luna, a minor, and next friend of Gregory Luna, deceased, have appealed presenting the single issue of whether the trial court erred in doing so. For reasons hereinafter set forth, we affirm in part and reverse in part the  judgment of the trial court.

Authoring Judge
Judge Farmer
Originating Judge
Judge William O'Hearn
Case Name
Melanie Miller, Ashley Miller Luna, & Gregory Luna v. Gary D. Niblack, M.D., Laboratory Investments Inc., - Concurring
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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