Case Number
This appeal seeks review of a post-divorce decree judgment entered by the Trial Court on December 6, 1996, finding the husband guilty of contempt, adjusting alimony and child support, determining the amount of unpaid arrearage of each, ordering monthly payments of the adjudicated arrearage and committing the husband to jail upon failure to pay any monthly installment required by the order. On August 1, 1997, this Court filed an opinion disposing of a previous appeal from an order entered by the Trial Court December 22, 1995. No application was filed for permission to appeal to the Supreme Court, and mandate was issued to the Trial Court. The August 1, 1997 judgment of this Court is now final.
Originating Judge
Judge Jim T. Hamilton
Case Name
Brian David McCray, v. Irene Carol Klanseck McCray
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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