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This is a suit by a prisoner against his former lawyer. The prisoner, convicted of rape and other crimes, was represented by the defendant, a former assistant public defender, in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain post-conviction relief. The prisoner later sought post conviction relief again in Circuit Court, proffering an affidavit purportedly signed by his victim recanting her statement that the prisoner had raped her. By this time, the defendant was no longer an assistant public defender, but had become employed as an assistant district attorney general. The defendant received information that the affidavit proffered by the prisoner was a forgery, and instigated proceedings that led to the prisoner's indictment for subornation of perjury. The prisoner sued the defendant attorney for breach of contract, official misconduct, and negligence per se. The trial court granted the defendant's motion to dismiss and/or for summary judgment. The prisoner appeals, and we affirm.
Originating Judge
Joe C. Morris
Case Name
Hansom Davis vs. Alfred Earls
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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