Ginger Vooys vs. Robert Turner, Jr.

Case Number
The sole issue presented in this appeal is the propriety of the trial court's award to Wife of postjudgment interest on funds Husband deposited in the office of the clerk of the trial court prior to the appeal of the final order divorcing the parties. The funds represent the purchase price of the marital residence which had been awarded to Wife. Exercising an option to purchase the house, Husband deposited $185,000 with the court clerk and tendered it in open court. Then Husband appealed various portions of the final order, including the award of the house to Wife; he also moved to stay the execution and enforcement of that and other portions of the judgment without paying a bond on the ground that the funds he had already deposited should relieve him of the necessity of posting an additional bond. The motion also requested that the funds be placed in an interest bearing account. The stay of execution was granted, but the motion to deposit at interest was never ruled upon. After the trial court's judgment was affirmed on appeal, Wife filed a motion seeking interest on all money judgments rendered against Husband. The trial court found that Wife was entitled to postjudgment interest on the $185,000. Husband then commenced this appeal. We affirm.
Authoring Judge
Presiding Judge Patricia J. Cottrell
Originating Judge
Walter C. Kurtz
Case Name
Ginger Vooys vs. Robert Turner, Jr.
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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