Christopher N. Robinson v. William Fulliton

Case Number

This is a wiretapping case. A husband and a wife were experiencing marital difficulties. During that time, the husband tape recorded a telephone conversation between his wife and her brother without the knowledge of either. When the brother found out, he filed a lawsuit  against the husband, his brother-in-law, seeking damages under the civil damages provision of the Tennessee wiretapping statutes, Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-13-603. The trial court, sitting without a jury, held that the husband was liable to his brother-in-law, and awarded nominal compensatory damages, litigation expenses, and attorney’s fees. The husband and the brother-in-law both appeal that decision, arguing that the damage award was erroneous. We reverse the trial court’s award of damages, finding that the statute requires that, when a violation is established, the trial court must award either the actual damages or the statutory minimum penalty of $10,000, whichever is greater.

Authoring Judge
Judge Holly Kirby Lillard
Originating Judge
Judge D. J. Alissandratos
Case Name
Christopher N. Robinson v. William Fulliton
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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