Brian Bacardi v. Bd. of Registration in Podiatry

Case Number
This is an appeal from a final order, upholding the validity of a settlement agreement. Appellant, a podiatrist, entered into a settlement agreement with the Tennessee Board of Registration in Podiatry. The settlement agreement contained a provision whereby Appellant voluntarily relinquished his right to reapply for a podiatry license in Tennessee. Upon discovering that loss of the right to apply for license barred participation in all federal health care programs, Appellant sought to have the provision excised from the agreement on the basis that the Board had no statutory authority to mandate a bar on application for a license. The trial court upheld the validity of the settlement agreement. We affirm.
Authoring Judge
Judge W. Frank Crawford
Originating Judge
Ellen Hobbs Lyle
Case Name
Brian Bacardi v. Bd. of Registration in Podiatry
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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