City of Knoxville vs. Lumari Harshaw

Case Number
While on patrol, Officer Gerald Thomas George ("the Officer") heard a "thumping bass noise" coming from a vehicle "at least 100 yards" away. The Officer stopped the vehicle and issued a citation for violation of section 18-5 of the City of Knoxville noise ordinance ("Ordinance") to the driver, Lumari Harshaw ("Defendant"). The Trial Court found Defendant violated the Ordinance. Defendant appeals claiming the City of Knoxville ("City") failed to prove an element of the charge, specifically that the noise was "audible to a person of normal hearing sensitivity more than fifty (50) feet from [the] vehicle." We affirm.
Authoring Judge
Judge David Michael Swiney
Originating Judge
Dale C. Workman
Case Name
City of Knoxville vs. Lumari Harshaw
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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