Ruby Angelo Smith and Charles Smith v. Sammie L. Shaw

Case Number

This case is about a motion to set aside an order of dismissal. In 1997, the plaintiff sued the defendant for damages resulting from a 1996 car accident. On February 18, 2002, the trial court signed an order dismissing the lawsuit for failure to prosecute. That order was not filed by the court clerk until two years later, on February 18, 2004. During the two years between the time the dismissal order was signed until it was filed, both parties continued discovery and negotiation. After discovering the dismissal in 2004, the plaintiff asserted that neither party had received notice of the dismissal. The plaintiff then filed motions under Rules 59 and 60 of the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure, asking the trial court to set aside the order of dismissal. The motions were denied, and the plaintiffs appeal. We reverse, finding that under the circumstances of this case, the order of dismissal should have been set aside.

Authoring Judge
Judge Holly M. Kirby
Originating Judge
Judge Kay S. Robilio
Case Name
Ruby Angelo Smith and Charles Smith v. Sammie L. Shaw
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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