Lisa Ann (Gallahaire) Cartwright v. Robert Howard Cartwright, Sr.

Case Number

This is a divorce case involving the classification and division of marital property. The parties signed a prenuptial agreement. After they married, the parties operated a cattle and farming business, which was conducted in the wife’s name only. After three years of marriage, the wife filed a petition for divorce. A trial was held primarily on issues related to property distribution. The husband argued that the cattle and farming equipment was purchased with his separate funds and therefore was his separate property under the prenuptial agreement. The husband also alleged that the wife had discarded or destroyed numerous items of his separate property. The trial court found that the cattle and farming equipment was marital property and divided it equally, and declined to find the wife responsible for the items that had been discarded or destroyed. The husband now appeals. We affirm, concluding that the evidence does not preponderate against the trial court’s decision.

Authoring Judge
Judge Holly M. Kirby
Originating Judge
Chancellor Ron E. Harmon
Case Name
Lisa Ann (Gallahaire) Cartwright v. Robert Howard Cartwright, Sr.
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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