Anna Lou Williams, Plantation Gardens, D/B/A Tobacco Plantation and Beer Barn D/B/A Jim's Flea Market v. Gerald F. Nicely

Case Number

This is a declaratory judgment action against the State regarding the use of an easement. The plaintiffs own a parcel of land next to a highway. By deed, the plaintiffs' predecessor in title granted a perpetual easement for “highway purposes” to the State for the Department of Transportation in the strip of land immediately next to the highway. Prior to this litigation, the Department of Transportation asked the plaintiffs to remove advertising signs posted on the land next to the highway because the signs encroached on the State's highway “right-of-way.” In response, the plaintiffs filed a declaratory judgment action against the State, seeking a declaration that the easement for “highway purposes” did not constitute a “highway right-of-way,” and that the State had no authority to require removal of the signs. The trial court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, declaring that the deed conveyed to the State only an easement of ingress and egress and did not grant the right to use the land as a “highway right-of-way.” The defendant now appeals. We vacate the trial court's judgment and dismiss the case, finding that the plaintiffs’ declaratory judgment action is barred by the doctrine of sovereign immunity.

Authoring Judge
Judge Holly M. Kirby
Originating Judge
Chancellor Walter L. Evans
Case Name
Anna Lou Williams, Plantation Gardens, D/B/A Tobacco Plantation and Beer Barn D/B/A Jim's Flea Market v. Gerald F. Nicely
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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