Matthew Thornton, et al. v. Allenbrooke Nursing and Rehabilitation Center LLC, et al.

Case Number

This appeal involves a dispute over an arbitration agreement, and stems from a nursing home abuse and neglect case. The decedent’s daughter signed all the paperwork associated with the decedent’s admission to the nursing home. An arbitration agreement was included in the admissions agreement. Decedent’s daughter, as next of kin, filed a complaint alleging nursing home abuse and neglect. The nursing home moved to stay the case and compel the matter to arbitration. The trial court held that daughter did not have authority to waive decedent’s constitutional right to a jury trial, and denied the nursing home’s motion. The nursing home appeals. We affirm the trial court’s decision.

Authoring Judge
Judge David R. Farmer
Originating Judge
Judge James F. Russell
Case Name
Matthew Thornton, et al. v. Allenbrooke Nursing and Rehabilitation Center LLC, et al.
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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