Amy Cardwell vs. Donald Christopher Hutchinson

Case Number

Amy E. Cardwell ("Petitioner") was sexually abused by Donald Christopher Hutchinson ("Respondent"), who was the Youth Leader at petitioner's church. Petitioner, who is mentally disabled, filed for and obtained an order of protection prohibiting respondent from having any contact with petitioner. Respondent also was prohibited from attending the church where he abused petitioner so long as petitioner continued to attend that church. The order of protection expired in one year, at which time both petitioner and respondent agreed to extend it for another one year period. At the expiration of the second one year term, petitioner filed a motion seeking another one year extension. Respondent opposed the second extension. Following a hearing, the trial court extended the order of protection for another year. Respondent appeals, and we affirm.

Authoring Judge
Judge D. Michael Swiney
Originating Judge
Judge Bill Swann
Case Name
Amy Cardwell vs. Donald Christopher Hutchinson
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur