Cristina Suzanne Warren v. Timothy Thomas Warren

Case Number

Wife filed a complaint seeking a divorce and child support from Husband. Husband filed no answer or counterclaim, but caused to be served upon Wife a summons directing Wife to defend a civil action against her. Husband then filed and served upon Wife a notice of a hearing for default divorce. The trial court entered a Final Decree of Absolute Divorce awarding Husband a divorce based on inappropriate marital conduct and entered Husband’s proposed parenting plan designating Husband as the primary residential parent. Nearly a year later Wife filed a Rule 60.02 motion seeking to have the Final Decree set aside on the grounds of (1) mistake, inadvertence or surprise, (2) fraud, misrepresentation, and misconduct, and (3) the judgment was void. The trial court denied Wife’s Rule 60.02 motion, and Wife appeals. Because the Final Decree of Divorce was not void and because of the circumstances surrounding Wife’s motion, we affirm the trial court.

Authoring Judge
Presiding Judge Patricia J. Cottrell
Originating Judge
Judge Ross H. Hicks
Case Name
Cristina Suzanne Warren v. Timothy Thomas Warren
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur