Alan Bradley Pounders v. Tiffany White Pounders

Case Number

This is an appeal of an award of attorney fees in a post-divorce matter. The father had filed a petition to modify the permanent parenting plan, seeking to increase his parenting time and reduce his child support obligation. Approximately six months later, after Father’s discovery deposition was taken, he asked the court to dismiss his petition to modify without prejudice.  The trial court dismissed the petition but awarded the mother $20,000 for her attorneys’ fees.  The father appeals, arguing that the trial court lacked authority to award attorney fees and that the amount awarded was arbitrary and unreasonable. We find that the trial court had the authority to award attorney’s fees, but due to the lack of findings by the trial court regarding the reasonableness of the fee award, we vacate the award and remand for further proceedings.

Authoring Judge
Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Originating Judge
Judge Jerry Stokes
Case Name
Alan Bradley Pounders v. Tiffany White Pounders
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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