This is a divorce case. The parties had a long marriage and one minor child. The wife obtained an order of protection against the husband on behalf of herself and the child and filed for divorce. After a trial, the trial court granted the wife a divorce, extended the order of protection against the husband, and divided the marital assets. The trial court did not award the husband parenting time, and required the husband to attend anger management classes and pay child support. The wife was awarded the marital home subject to a lien in favor of the husband. The husband appeals the child support and the failure to award him parenting time. The wife appeals the trial court’s award of a lien on the parties’ marital residence in favor of the husband. We affirm as to parenting time and child support, and reverse as to the lien on the marital residence.
Case Number
Originating Judge
Judge Royce Taylor
Case Name
Janice W. Winkler v. Charles S. Winkler
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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