Ann Claudia Short Bowers v. Frederick Allen Bowers

Case Number

This post-divorce appeal concerns the classification and division of property, namely a house Wife owned prior to the marriage and a house purchased during the marriage. Following the grant of Wife’s request for divorce, the trial court classified the pre-marital house as Wife’s separate property and the house purchased during the marriage as marital property. The court ruled that Husband had dissipated the proceeds from the sale of the pre-marital house and ordered Husband to reimburse Wife. The court awarded Wife two-thirds of the equity in the marital house, leaving one-third of the equity to Husband. Husband appeals. We affirm the decision of the trial court.

Authoring Judge
Judge John W. McClarty
Originating Judge
Chancellor Michael W. Moyers
Case Name
Ann Claudia Short Bowers v. Frederick Allen Bowers
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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