Rosheay Ragland and wife, Theresa Ragland v. Oakland Deposit Bank

Case Number

This appeal involves the foreclosure of real property owned by the Appellants. The Appellants filed a request for a temporary and permanent injunction, alleging that the Appellee bank that held the mortgage on the property had violated the Appellants’ rights. After the Appellants testified at the temporary injunction hearing, the Bank moved for involuntary dismissal and the trial court dismissed the case. Both parties filed post-trial motions regarding possession of the subject property. The appellate record contains no record that either of these motions was adjudicated by the trial court. Accordingly, the judgment of the trial court is not final, and this Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction over this appeal. Dismissed and remanded.

Authoring Judge
Judge J. Steven Stafford
Originating Judge
Judge Walter L. Evans
Case Name
Rosheay Ragland and wife, Theresa Ragland v. Oakland Deposit Bank
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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