Arleen Christian v. Ebenezer Homes of Tennessee, Inc. D/B/A Good Samaritan Nursing Home

Case Number

Visitor to a nursing home who was injured when a door swung into her brought suit against the nursing home, alleging that the door constituted a dangerous and defective condition and that the nursing home failed to exercise reasonable care to avoid injuries to visitors. The nursing home filed a motion for summary judgment which was granted on the basis that the door did not constitute a dangerous or defective condition. Finding no error, we affirm the judgment.

Authoring Judge
Judge Richard H. Dinkins
Originating Judge
Judge Hamilton v. Gayden, Jr.
Case Name
Arleen Christian v. Ebenezer Homes of Tennessee, Inc. D/B/A Good Samaritan Nursing Home
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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