Amanda Leenhouts v. Gert Jan Leenhouts

Case Number

This appeal involves a motion to set aside a default judgment. The wife filed a complaint for divorce. The husband was served with process. After the husband failed to file an answer, the wife filed a motion for a default judgment. The husband filed no response to the motion. The trial court granted the wife a default judgment and held a hearing on the wife’s divorce complaint. The husband did not appear at the hearing. Based on the evidence wife presented at the hearing, the trial court divided the marital estate. The husband then filed a motion to set aside both the default judgment and the divorce decree. The trial court denied the husband’s motion, and the husband now appeals. Discerning no error, we affirm.

Authoring Judge
Judge Holly M. Kirby
Originating Judge
Judge Phillip R. Robinson
Case Name
Amanda Leenhouts v. Gert Jan Leenhouts
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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