Cassidy Aragon v. Reynaldo Aragon

Case Number

This post-divorce case concerns parental relocation. Father sought to relocate to Arizona, citing family ties and increased career opportunities. The parties agreed that Father spent substantially more time with the child than Mother; however, Mother objected to the relocation, arguing that the move had no reasonable purpose. The trial court agreed with Mother and entered a parenting plan naming Mother primary residential parent. Because the trial court made no best interest finding regarding either the proposed relocation, or the parenting plan, we vacate the judgment of the trial court and remand for further proceedings. Vacated and Remanded.

Authoring Judge
Judge J. Steven Stafford
Originating Judge
Chancellor Ross H. Hicks
Case Name
Cassidy Aragon v. Reynaldo Aragon
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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