Charlotte J. Cartwright, et al. v. DMC-Memphis Inc. d/b/a Delta Medical Center, et al.

Case Number

This appeal requires consideration of the interplay between the pre-suit notice requirements of Tennessee Code Annotated § 29-26-121 and Tennessee’s savings statute, Tennessee Code Annotated § 28-1-105. In the instant case, Plaintiff re-filed a medical malpractice action within one year of a previous voluntary non-suit. Defendants moved to dismiss the re-filed action on the basis that the pre-suit notice provided incident to the initial lawsuit was deficient. They argued that the failure to provide the required notice in the first lawsuit meant Plaintiff’s original action was not properly commenced and therefore failed to toll the statute of limitations. The trial court agreed, determined that the second lawsuit was filed outside of the applicable limitation period, and dismissed Plaintiff’s claims. We reverse.

Authoring Judge
Judge Arnold B. Goldin
Originating Judge
Judge John R. McCarroll, Jr.
Case Name
Charlotte J. Cartwright, et al. v. DMC-Memphis Inc. d/b/a Delta Medical Center, et al.
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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