Russell H. Hippe, Jr. v. Miller & Martin, PLLC

Case Number

A former member of a law firm filed a complaint against the law firm in 2009 alleging breach of contract. The trial court dismissed the complaint because it was filed after the statute of limitations had run. The individual member filed another complaint in 2014, alleging a breach of the same contract. The law firm moved to dismiss the 2014 complaint on the basis that it was barred by res judicata. The trial court agreed and dismissed the 2014 complaint. The individual appealed the trial court‟s dismissal, and we affirm. We find the appeal is frivolous and grant the law firm‟s request for an award of its attorneys‟ fees and expenses.

Authoring Judge
Judge Andy D. Bennett
Originating Judge
Chancellor Claudia Bonnyman
Case Name
Russell H. Hippe, Jr. v. Miller & Martin, PLLC
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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