In Re Damon B., et al.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Frank G. Clement, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Judge Clayburn Peeples

Parents appeal the termination of their parental rights to their two minor children. The children came into the custody of the Department of Children’s Services (“DCS”) after receiving a referral of domestic violence and subsequent concerns raised about the parents’ drug abuse and mental health. The children were adjudicated dependent and neglected in juvenile court. Several permanency plans were developed and monitored by DCS, all of which listed goals of good mental health, a safe environment free from domestic violence, and a drug free home. DCS filed a petition in circuit court to terminate the parents’ rights to the children on grounds of (1) abandonment by failure to provide a suitable home as to both parents; (2) abandonment by incarcerated parent as to Father; (3) substantial noncompliance with permanency plan as to both parents; and (4) persistence of conditions as to both parents. A guardian ad litem was appointed to represent the children in both the juvenile court dependency and neglect case and the circuit court termination case. The guardian ad litem filed a motion in juvenile court to modify the parents’ visitation, based in part on her personal observations. Father filed motions to disqualify the guardian ad litem in both juvenile and circuit court, asserting that the guardian ad litem began functioning as a necessary witness. The juvenile court granted the guardian ad litem’s motion to modify the parents’ visitation and denied the father’s motion to disqualify the guardian ad litem, specifically noting in its ruling that the court excluded any personal observations by the guardian ad litem. Thereafter, the circuit court also denied the father’s motion to disqualify the guardian ad litem, holding that the guardian ad litem was not a “necessary witness” as required under Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 8, Rule of Professional Conduct 3.7(a). Following a trial, the circuit court found that DCS had proven the grounds of abandonment for failure to provide a suitable home, substantial noncompliance with the permanency plan, and persistence of conditions, and that termination was in the children’s best interest. Based on these findings, the circuit court terminated both parents’ parental rights. We affirm.

Gibson Court of Appeals

Grady Eugene Dutton v. Tennessee Farmers Mutual Insurance Company
Authoring Judge: Judge D. Michael Swiney
Trial Court Judge: Judge Alex E. Pearson

We granted the Rule 9 application for an interlocutory appeal filed by Tennessee Farmers Mutual Insurance Company (“TN Farmers”) to consider whether material misrepresentations made on an application for a policy of insurance may become not material by virtue of later changes made to the policy. We find and hold that the misrepresentations made on the policy application increased the risk of loss and voided the policy or prevented its attaching pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 56-7-103 and that subsequent changes to a void policy did not render the misrepresentations not material. We, therefore, reverse the June 22, 2017 order of the Circuit Court for Hawkins County (“the Trial Court”) denying TN Farmers’ motion for summary judgment and remand this case to the Trial Court for entry of an order granting summary judgment to TN Farmers.

Hawkins Court of Appeals

Jason Keenan v. Jeffery L. Hollifield
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Judge Kristi Davis

Jason Keenan sued Jeffrey L. Hollifield for damages arising out of a two-vehicle collision on Interstate 40 in Knox County. By way of an order entered August 9, 2017, the plaintiff took a voluntary nonsuit, pursuant to the provisions of Tenn. R. Civ. P. 41.01(1). On the same date, the defendant filed a motion for discretionary costs. Following a hearing on September 8, 2017, the trial court, in an order entered September 15, 2017, denied the defendant’s motion. Defendant appeals, arguing that he is entitled to discretionary costs of $814.66. We reverse the trial court’s judgment and award the defendant discretionary costs of $814.66.

Knox Court of Appeals

Jimmy Earl McClure v. Christopher Shawn Cole, Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Richard H. Dinkins
Trial Court Judge: Judge Larry B. Stanley, Jr.

Personal injury action arising out of accident between a pickup truck and a dump truck hauling materials for a company that paved roadways. The pickup truck driver sued the driver of the dump truck and the paving company to recover for injuries he sustained in the accident. The trial court granted the paving company’s motion for summary judgment, holding that the driver of the dump truck was an independent contractor and that the paving company was not liable for the dump truck driver’s negligence. The injured driver appeals. Upon a thorough review of the record, we affirm the grant of summary judgment.

Warren Court of Appeals

In Re Joshua E., Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Chief Judge D. Michael Swiney
Trial Court Judge: Judge Sheila Calloway

Tabitha B. (“Mother”), represented by counsel, appeals the May 31, 2017 order of the Juvenile Court for Davidson County (“the Trial Court”). Mother’s brief on appeal fails to comply in any meaningful way with Tenn. R. App. P. 27. We, therefore, find that Mother has waived her issues on appeal.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Melissa Martin, Et Al. v. Rolling Hills Hospital, LLC, Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Richard H. Dinkins
Trial Court Judge: Judge Michael Binkley

This is an appeal in a health care liability action from the dismissal of the action for Plaintiffs’ failure to comply with Tennessee Code Annotated section 29-26-121(a)(2)(E) when they failed to provide the Defendants with HIPAA compliant authorizations for release of medical records. The trial court held that, as a result of the failure, Plaintiffs were not entitled to an extension of the one-year statute of limitations for bringing suit and the action was barred. Plaintiffs appeal. Upon our review, we find that Plaintiffs substantially complied with the requirements of section 29-26-121 and that the Defendants have not shown that they were prejudiced by the deficiencies in the authorizations; accordingly, we reverse the decision of the trial court and remand the case for further proceedings. 

Williamson Court of Appeals

State, ex rel., Sharon Denise Townsend v. Eric Wayne Williamson
Authoring Judge: Judge Kenny Armstrong
Trial Court Judge: Special Judge Nancy P. Kessler

Appellant/Father appeals the trial court’s order, charging Appellant with $23,663.54 in child support arrearage. Specifically, Appellant asserts that he is entitled to certain credits against the arrearage. Discerning no error, we affirm and remand.

Shelby Court of Appeals

Charles Montague v. Michael D. Kellum
Authoring Judge: Judge Andy D. Bennett
Trial Court Judge: Judge James E. Lauderback

A man convicted of multiple criminal offenses sued his former criminal defense attorney for legal malpractice, and the trial court granted the defendant’s motion for summary judgment. On appeal, the plaintiff argues that the trial court erred in dismissing his legal malpractice action. Because the plaintiff failed to establish a necessary element of his claim for criminal legal malpractice—namely, exoneration—we affirm the trial court’s decision.

Washington Court of Appeals

Donald Douglas Wright v. Angel Sims Wright
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Frank G. Clement, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Judge Philip E. Robinson

The appellant has filed a notice of appeal from an order denying her motion to alter or amend. Because the motion to alter or amend was not timely filed and the court has already dismissed the appellant’s prior appeal from the underlying judgment as untimely, we dismiss the appeal for lack of jurisdiction.

Davidson Court of Appeals

In Re: Kylea K.
Authoring Judge: Judge Brandon O. Gibson
Trial Court Judge: Judge John C. Rambo

This appeal involves the termination of a father’s parental rights. The trial court found that grounds existed to terminate parental rights based on a prior adjudication of severe child abuse and abandonment by willful failure to visit and support. The trial court also found, by clear and convincing evidence, that termination was in the best interest of the child. The father appeals. We vacate the trial court’s finding regarding one ground for termination but otherwise affirm the order terminating parental rights

Washington Court of Appeals

Gillis Elliot v. Mike Robbins, Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Judge John W. McClarty
Trial Court Judge: Judge Elizabeth C. Asbury

This appeal arises from an action where the plaintiff sought to reform a deed that did not transfer a disputed acre of property to him. The plaintiff alleged that a mutual mistake had occurred and that both plaintiff and defendants had intended for the disputed acre to be sold. The trial court held that the mutual mistake existed and that the error was clear and convincing enough to allow for reformation of the deed. The defendants appeal. We affirm the decision of the trial court.

Claiborne Court of Appeals

In Re Estate of Alys Harris Lipscomb
Authoring Judge: Judge John W. McClarty
Trial Court Judge: Judge Karen D. Webster

The administrator of an estate appeals the trial court’s award of attorney fees to a beneficiary in a contempt action filed by him against the beneficiary. We reverse, holding that the trial court abused its discretion in its award of attorney fees because the fees awarded did not inure to the benefit of the estate.

Shelby Court of Appeals

In Re: Estate Of Andrew Thomas Peery, Jr.
Authoring Judge: Judge John W. McClarty
Trial Court Judge: Judge Michael A. Gallegos

The brother of a decedent filed a petition to admit to probate a purported holographic will. The decedent’s widow protested. After a hearing, the trial court ruled that the document was not a holographic will and that the decedent had died intestate. The brother appeals. We affirm. 

Blount Court of Appeals

In Re: Amynn K.
Authoring Judge: Judge Thomas R. Frierson, II
Trial Court Judge: Judge Robert D. Philyaw

This is a termination of parental rights case involving the parental rights of the father, William K. (“Father”), to his minor child, Amynn K. (“the Child”), who was four years of age at the time of trial. The Child was born in 2013 to Father and Amanda S. (“Mother”). In April 2013, the Hamilton County Juvenile Court (“trial court”) granted temporary legal custody of the Child to the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (“DCS”). The Child was immediately placed in foster care, where he has remained since that date. Following a hearing, the trial court entered an order on June 24, 2013, adjudicating the Child dependent and neglected due to Mother’s abandonment of the Child at the hospital following his birth. On August 23, 2016, DCS filed a petition to terminate the parental rights of Mother and Father. Following a bench trial, the trial court terminated Father’s parental rights to the Child upon determining by clear and convincing evidence that Father had (1) abandoned the Child through conduct exhibiting wanton disregard for the welfare of the Child prior to Father’s incarceration, (2) failed to substantially comply with the requirements of the permanency plans, and (3) failed to manifest an ability and willingness to personally assume custody of and financial responsibility for the Child. The court also found clear and convincing evidence that termination of Father’s parental rights was in the best interest of the Child. Father has appealed. Discerning no reversible error, we affirm.

Hamilton Court of Appeals

In Re Seth Mc. Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Andy D. Bennett
Trial Court Judge: Judge Michael Meise

A mother of four children had her parental rights terminated based on the grounds of abandonment by failure to support, abandonment by failure to provide a suitable home, abandonment by wanton disregard, substantial noncompliance with permanency plans, severe child abuse, and persistence of conditions. Mother appealed the trial court’s judgment. We affirm the termination of her rights as to all grounds other than abandonment by failure to support, abandonment by failure to provide a suitable home, and persistence of conditions.

Dickson Court of Appeals

Angela Michelle Newberry v. Jeremy Mack Newberry
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Judge W. Neil Thomas, III

In this post-divorce case, Angela Michelle Newberry appeals the trial court’s modification of the permanent parenting plan. She challenges the trial court’s decision to change the designation of primary residential parent from her to her former spouse, Jeremy Mack Newberry. She also attacks the court’s decree reducing her co-parenting time. We hold that father failed to meet his burden of establishing a material change in circumstances affecting the children’s well-being, as required by Tenn. Code Ann. § 36- 6-101(a)(2)(B) (2017). Consequently, we reverse the trial court’s judgment and reinstate the parenting plan as originally agreed to by the parties and ordered by the court in the final divorce judgment.

Hamilton Court of Appeals

In Re Aden H.
Authoring Judge: Judge Richard H. Dinkins
Trial Court Judge: Judge Joe H. Thompson

The mother and step-father of a child appeal the denial of their Petition to Terminate the Parental Rights of the father of the child on the grounds of abandonment by failure to support. Upon a thorough review of the record, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.

Sumner Court of Appeals

Desiree Daniels Disterdick v. John Disterdick
Authoring Judge: Judge Thomas R. Frierson, II
Trial Court Judge: Judge L. Marie Williams

In this divorce action presenting issues concerning the classification and distribution of the parties’ assets, the trial court determined that an oil and gas investment purchased during the marriage was the wife’s separate property, as was her engagement ring. The trial court fashioned an equitable distribution of the parties’ marital property and debts and denied the wife’s claim for alimony. In doing so, the trial court excluded any consideration of assets formerly owned by the parties that were held by a trust at the time of trial. The husband has appealed. Discerning no error, we affirm.

Hamilton Court of Appeals

In Re: D.T.
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Judge Daniel R. Swafford

In this termination of parental rights case, the Department of Children’s Services filed a petition to terminate the rights of R.T. with respect to his child, D.T.1 At trial, DCS alleged a single ground for termination: persistence of conditions. The court found clear and convincing evidence. By the same quantum of proof, the court also found that termination is in the child’s best interest. Father appeals. We affirm.

Bradley Court of Appeals

In Re: Dakota M. Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Richard H. Dinkins
Trial Court Judge: Judge Henry E. Sledge

Father’s rights to his son were terminated based upon his stipulation that the Department of Children’s Services could prove that grounds to terminate existed and upon the Court’s conclusion that termination was in the child’s best interest. Father appeals. Upon our review, we conclude that Father’s stipulation that the evidence satisfied the statutory grounds for termination was a nullity. We also conclude that the trial court’s order does not contain adequate factual findings with respect to the grounds for termination to provide for a meaningful review. Accordingly, we vacate the judgment of the court and remand the case.

Loudon Court of Appeals

Betty Jo Goodman v. Nationstar Mortgage, LLC, Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Andy D. Bennett
Trial Court Judge: Judge Robert L. Jones

A borrower filed a pro se petition against a mortgage company and law firm seeking to enjoin a foreclosure sale. The trial court issued the injunction but, upon motion of the mortgage company and law firm, set aside the order granting injunctive relief after finding the order void. The trial court also found that the borrower’s petition failed to state a claim and dismissed the action. We vacate in part and affirm in part.    

Maury Court of Appeals

In Re Audrey T.
Authoring Judge: Judge Richard H. Dinkins
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor Ronald Thurman

In this post-divorce proceeding, Father appeals the reduction of his parenting time. Because he has failed to include a transcript or statement of the evidence in accordance with Rule 24 of the Tennessee Rules of Appellate Procedure, we presume that the evidentiary record supports the trial Court’s decision. Accordingly, we affirm the judgment.

Putnam Court of Appeals

In Re K. O. Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Judge Micheal Collins

The trial court terminated the parental rights of A.D.G. to her children, K.O. and K.G. Because the court did not “make[] specific findings of fact and conclusions of law,” Tenn. Code Ann. § 36-1-113(k) (2017), we remand the case to the trial court for the entry of an appropriate order.

Smith Court of Appeals

Homeowners of Ash Grove Estates v. Carla Hurley, et al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Richard H. Dinkins
Trial Court Judge: Judge Joe H. Thompson

This appeal arises out of a suit to enforce restrictive covenants. Plaintiffs filed suit seeking an injunction to prevent their neighbors from operating a commercial horse facility. After a hearing, the court permanently enjoined Defendants from using or allowing their property to be used for a commercial horse operation and from constructing any additional buildings before they built a residence on the property. The trial court also ruled that Defendants did not have to remove or relocate the already-constructed “run-in shed” at this time, but that once a residence is built, the shed must be removed or moved to the rear of the residence. Defendants appeal. Upon our review, we reverse the judgment enjoining Defendants from conducting a commercial horse operation; in all other respects we affirm the judgment of the trial court.  

Sumner Court of Appeals

Alexander Alaka v. Short Cut Auto Sales & Repairs, Inc.
Authoring Judge: Judge John W. McClarty
Trial Court Judge: Judge Hamilton V. Gayden, Jr.

The plaintiff appeals the circuit court’s judgment for damages sustained to his vehicle, a reduction from the amount awarded in general sessions court. We vacate the final order and remand for entry of an order that sets forth sufficient findings of fact and conclusions of law in support of the circuit court’s decision.  

Davidson Court of Appeals