William Waters v. Dept. of Correction
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Trial Court Judge: Ellen Hobbs Lyle

Davidson Court of Appeals

James Boyd vs. Billy Riley
Authoring Judge: Judge William B. Cain
Trial Court Judge: Stella L. Hargrove
This appeal, filed pro se, involves two separate law suits that were filed and pursued in the trial court without consolidation and heard without consolidation on appeal. One complaint alleges negligence, and the other complaint alleges malpractice. The trial court dismissed both actions, and we affirm the actions of the trial court.

Wayne Court of Appeals

Joe Mitchell v. CCA
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Trial Court Judge: Robert L. Jones

Wayne Court of Appeals

Joe Mitchell v. CCA
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Trial Court Judge: Robert L. Jones

Wayne Court of Appeals

Marcus Lewis v. Dept of Correction
Authoring Judge: Judge William C. Koch, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Ellen Hobbs Lyle

Davidson Court of Appeals

Marcus Lewis v. Dept of Correction
Authoring Judge: Judge William C. Koch, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Ellen Hobbs Lyle

Davidson Court of Appeals

Trial Court Judge: A. Andrew Jackson

Dickson Court of Appeals

Dept of Children's Srvcs vs. A.N.G. & S.L.G
Authoring Judge: Judge David Michael Swiney
Trial Court Judge: Thomas J. Wright
The State of Tennessee, Department of Children's Services ("State" or "DCS") obtained temporary custody of the three minor children of A.N.G. ("Mother") and S.L.G. ("Father")(collectively referred to as "Parents") after Parents' two year old son was found in a roadway near their home. DCS later sought to terminate Parents' parental rights. After a trial, the Juvenile Court determined there were sufficient grounds to terminate Parents' parental rights and doing so was in the best interests of the children. Parents appeal, claiming DCS failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence that there were sufficient grounds to terminate their parental rights. Parents also claim DCS failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence that termination of their parental rights would be in the best interests of the children. We affirm the judgment of the Juvenile Court.

Greene Court of Appeals

John Oliver Harper v. Cathy Lynn Harper
Trial Court Judge: W. Dale Young

Blount Court of Appeals

K.D.F., et al vs. J.F.
Authoring Judge: Judge Houston M. Goddard
Trial Court Judge: Thomas R. Frierson, II
This is a suit by K. D. F. and her present husband, R. J. F., Jr., seeking to terminate the parental rights of J. F. as to Z.T.J.F (d.o.b. June 8, 1998), preparatory to Mr. F. adopting the child in a future proceeding. Mr. F. appeals a determination by the Trial Court that his parental rights should be terminated, contending that the statutory grounds for such a determination were not met. We affirm.

Greene Court of Appeals

L &Amp; L Tile v. Bruce Babb
Authoring Judge: Judge Houston M. Goddard
Trial Court Judge: Conrad E. Troutman, Jr.

Scott Court of Appeals

Louis Brooks v. Lee Creech
Authoring Judge: Judge William B. Cain
Trial Court Judge: Irvin H. Kilcrease, Jr.
This matter involves a fraudulent transfer of real property and violation of Tennessee's Consumer Protection Act occurring as a result of Plaintiff's attempt to obtain a loan using his real property as collateral. In return for a loan of $4000.00, Plaintiff quit claimed his home as collateral and gave Defendant Creech physical possession of the promissory note in exchange for the loan. Defendant Stigall, who had office space in the same office, was listed as trustee of the property and payee on the promissory note. She then represented herself to First American Bank as owner of the property and wife of Defendant Creech, obtaining a loan for $42,000.00 and offering Plaintiff's property as collateral. The trial court found that Defendants Stigall and Creech were involved in a conspiracy and that they violated the Tennessee Consumer Protection Act and defrauded Plaintiff and First American Bank (now AmSouth Bank). The court reformed the Quitclaim Deed into a Deed of Trust, giving the bank a subrogation in the $4000.00 owed to Defendant Stigall. Only Defendant Stigall appeals. We affirm the trial court's decision in its entirety.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Wendy Layne v. Mark Layne
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Trial Court Judge: Thomas W. Graham
The divorced parents of a fourteen-year-old girl asked the trial court to sign an agreed order to enable her to live with her grandmother so she could attend school in Hamilton County. The trial judge refused to sign the order. While the decision to sign or not to sign such an order is within the sound discretion of the trial court, the court in this case erroneously believed that it lacked jurisdiction over the matter because the parties had not shown a change of circumstances since the prior decree. We find that the proof does show a change of circumstances and that the best interests of the child require the entry of the proposed order. Therefore we reverse.

Marion Court of Appeals

Michael D. Matthews vs. Natasha Story
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: John K. Wilson
This case arises out of an automobile accident in which the plaintiff, Michael D. Matthews, was injured. The plaintiff sued Tammy Y. Morelock ("Morelock"), alleging that Morelock was a passenger in the vehicle the plaintiff was driving and that Morelock's negligence had caused his injuries. When the plaintiff later learned that Natasha Story ("Story") was the passenger in the vehicle and not Morelock, the plaintiff attempted to amend his complaint to add Story as a defendant. The trial court dismissed the plaintiff's claim against Story, holding the statute of limitations barred such an amendment. The trial court also granted Morelock's motion for summary judgment, finding the family purpose doctrine inapplicable. We affirm.

Hawkins Court of Appeals

State vs. Deborah Rainey
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Trial Court Judge: Rita L. Stotts
This appeal arises from a condemnation proceeding. The trial court awarded the Appellant $38, 040.00 as the fair market value of the property taken and zero dollars for incidental damages to the remaining property. Appellant raises a single issue on appeal. For the following reasons, we dismiss the appeal.

Shelby Court of Appeals

The Rogers Group vs. Anderson County
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Herschel P. Franks
Trial Court Judge: Telford E. Forgerty, Jr.
After case was tried, the Trial Judge recused and another Judge was designated who granted a new trial on all issues. On appeal, we affirm.

Anderson Court of Appeals

Glenda Cooper vs. State
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
This is a wrongful death action filed against the State of Tennessee with the Tennessee Claims Commission. The State filed a motion for judgment on the pleadings, asserting that it was not liable for the actions of the Bradley County Sheriff, whose negligence is alleged to be the proximate cause of the death of the plaintiff's intestate. The Claims Commission, relying upon the case of Spurlock v. Sumner County, 42 S.W.3d 75 (Tenn. 2001), held that the sheriff was not a state employee but rather a county officer. It dismissed the claim against the State. We affirm.

Bradley Court of Appeals

Brenda Martin, Executor Est. of Dewey Moore v. Jean Moore
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Trial Court Judge: Vernon Neal
A man who had been diagnosed with dementia executed a power of attorney in favor of his wife. The wife used the power to withdraw all the money from her husband's separately owned bank account, and sent most of it to her brother for investment overseas. She also completed the sale of real property her husband had owned in Kentucky, and placed the proceeds in a marital account. After his death, the man's daughter from a previous marriage brought suit for breach of fiduciary duty, asking for the return of the assets to his estate. The trial court ordered the return of the money taken from the bank account, but ruled that the wife was entitled to keep the proceeds from the sale of the real property. The court also ordered the wife to pay some of the daughter's attorney fees. We affirm the judgment of the trial court.

Clay Court of Appeals

Western Express v. Benchmark Electronics
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Trial Court Judge: Carol L. Mccoy
Western Express, Inc. sued Benchmark Electronics Huntsville, Inc. for detention charges after Western's trailers were unreasonably detained at Benchmark's plant in Pulaski. The Chancery Court of Davidson County granted summary judgment to Benchmark, and Western asserts on appeal that the court erred in finding that the undisputed facts show that Western cannot prevail on its claims. We reverse the judgment of the trial court.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Jet Printing v. Deep South Wholesale Paper
Authoring Judge: Judge Holly M. Kirby
Trial Court Judge: Carol L. Mccoy
This is a breach of contract case. A bag manufacturer ordered printed polyethylene film from a printing company, to be made into bags to sell to chicken packaging companies. The film was treated on both sides. Consequently, the bag manufacturer was unable to properly seal the bags. Later shipments of film that were not treated on both sides sealed properly. The bag manufacturer refused to pay for the initial shipment of film that would not seal, so the seller printing company sued for breach of contract. The trial court found for the bag manufacturer, holding that the seller breached both an implied term of the contract and an implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. On appeal, the seller printing company argues that the trial court erred in finding that the film did not conform to the contract and that the seller breached the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, and that the trial court erred in excluding the testimony of the seller's proffered expert. We affirm, finding that the trial court did not err in finding that the seller breached an implied warranty for a particular purpose, nor in excluding the testimony of the seller's expert witness.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Violet Guarino v. Joseph Corrozzo
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Trial Court Judge: Royce Taylor
The appellant was ordered in a divorce decree to pay his wife a portion of his pension. He attempted to discharge these payments in a bankruptcy proceeding. The Chancery Court of Rutherford County held that the payments were non-dischargeable because they constituted "support, maintenance or alimony" payments which are not dischargeable under the bankruptcy code. On appeal, appellant argues that wife violated the automatic stay injunction by filing in a state court and that she failed to properly object to the discharge. Appellant also argues that the trial court did not have subject matter jurisdiction. We hold that the payments were in the nature of support and, therefore, not a dischargeable debt. This result means that the issues raised by the appellant are moot. We affirm the trial court's decision.

Rutherford Court of Appeals

Eddie M. Gurley And Janet R. Gurley v. Hickory Withe
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Trial Court Judge: Dewey C. Whitenton

Fayette Court of Appeals

Michael Higgins vs. Sheriff A.C.Gilles Jr.
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Trial Court Judge: D. J. Alissandratos
Petitioner, off-duty deputy sheriff, was arrested during bust of known drug house for possession of drug paraphernalia. Upon deputy sheriff's arrest, Internal Affairs twice ordered petitioner to submit to drug test. At time of requests, petitioner did not have assistance of counsel; however, two Sheriff's Association representatives were present and available for consultation. Petitioner refused both orders, but on third day following arrest, after consulting with an attorney, voluntarily requested drug test. Department refused request, and subsequently charged petitioner with insubordination, possession and use of illegal drugs, and conduct unbecoming an officer. After hearing before the Deputy Chief, petitioner was terminated. Civil Service Merit Board upheld termination, and petitioner filed common law writ of certiorari with chancery court. Chancery court affirmed the Civil Service Merit Board. We affirm.

Shelby Court of Appeals

Christopher Ryan vs. James Surprise
Authoring Judge: Judge Holly M. Kirby
Trial Court Judge: George H. Brown
This case involves discovery sanctions. The plaintiff sued the defendants, a lawyer and his law firm, for legal malpractice. The plaintiff requested certain documents from the defendants at least three times, which were not produced. The trial court ordered production of the documents at a deposition. The documents were not produced at the deposition. Twenty-eight days after the deposition, on the eve of a hearing on the defendants' alleged discovery abuses, the documents were produced. In response to the plaintiff's request for sanctions, the trial court ordered that the defendants pay the plaintiff's attorney a monetary sanction. The defendants appeal, arguing that the imposition of the sanction was an abuse of discretion, because there was no evidence indicating the amount of attorney time spent on the alleged discovery abuse and, therefore, no evidentiary basis for the amount of the sanction. We vacate the order of the trial court and remand for further proceedings, because the record does not support the trial court's award.

Shelby Court of Appeals

Raymond Anthony vs. Christine Rodgers
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Trial Court Judge: Rita L. Stotts
This case began as a petition for dependency and neglect but evolved into a custody dispute between the mother and father of a child born out of wedlock. Originally, the mother appealed to the Circuit Court of Shelby County which stayed the order of the Juvenile Court granting custody to the father. The father appealed to this Court pursuant to Rule 10 of the Rules of Appellate Procedure and we remanded this case to the Circuit Court for entry of an order transferring the appeal to this Court as the Circuit Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction. For the following reasons, we affirm the decision of the Juvenile Court.

Shelby Court of Appeals