Team Design v. Anthony Gottlieb
Authoring Judge: Judge William C. Koch, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Barbara N. Haynes
This appeal raises important issues regarding the permissible range of court-annexed alternative dispute resolution procedures available under Tenn. S. Ct. R. 31. The case began in the Davidson County General Sessions Court as a dispute over payment for artwork and graphic design for a country music album. All the parties were dissatisfied with the general sessions court's disposition of their claims and perfected de novo appeals to the Circuit Court for Davidson County. When a dispute arose over the inability of two of the parties to be present on the agreed-upon trial date, the trial court, with all parties' agreement, entered an order referring the case to "binding mediation." The trial court conducted separate, off-the-record discussions with each of the parties and then entered an order finally adjudicating their claims. One of the parties filed a Tenn. R. Civ. P. 59.04 motion objecting to the order on the ground that it had not agreed to waive its right to a trial if the outcome of the mediation was unsatisfactory. After the trial court denied its motion, the moving party perfected this appeal. We have determined that the trial court lacked authority to conduct binding mediation or to finally adjudicate the parties' claims. Accordingly, we vacate the final order.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Consumer Advocate Div. v. Tennessee Regulatory Authority
The principal issue in this case is whether telephone directory assistance service is basic or non-basic under the statutory scheme. Secondary issues involve the practice of grandfathering existing customers when a new tariff is approved, the exemptions to directory assistance charges, and whether the Tennessee Regulatory Authority was authorized to transfer a contested case to another docket. We affirm.

Court of Appeals

Jerry Seymour v. Tomisa Sierra
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Trial Court Judge: Buddy D. Perry
The only question involved in this appeal is whether an insured may proceed directly against its uninsured motorist carrier when the tortfeasor is in fact insured but service of process is returned "not to be found." The Circuit Court of Franklin County allowed the suit to proceed and we granted the insurance company's motion for an interlocutory appeal under Rule 9, Tenn. R. App. P. After briefing and oral argument, we affirm the trial court.

Franklin Court of Appeals

Robert Marengo & Francine Marengo v. Terry Bowen
Authoring Judge: Judge Don R. Ash
Trial Court Judge: Vernon Neal
This is an appeal from the judgment of the Chancellor regarding the judicial dissolution of a continuing partnership. The trial court determined the withdrawing partner's debt should not be offset against his capital account in assessing his dissolution date value until the valuation of the business was made by the court, it was proper to add an additional $20,000 as a going concern adjustment to the valuation of the partnership, certain salary adjustments were proper, and a marketability and/or minority discount does not apply to the partnership. This Court concluded the trial court's determination offsetting the withdrawing partner's debt to the partnership as of the trial date was proper, the trial court erred in adding an additional $20,000 as a going concern value to the valuation of the partnership, the trial court's salary adjustment was proper, the trial court's refusal to apply a minority and/or marketability discount was proper, and the trial court's adjustment for a portion of the partnership's legal and professional expenses was proper. The judgment of the trial court is affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded for recalculation of the value of the withdrawing partner's interest as consistent with this order. Costs of this appeal shall be split between the appellant and the appellee.

Putnam Court of Appeals

In Re: The Estate of Lonzo Kelley
Authoring Judge: Judge David Michael Swiney
Trial Court Judge: Michael R. Jones
Lonzo Kelley operated a grocery store and borrowed a total of $250,000 from Heritage Bank ("Defendant") to operate the store. After Mr. Kelley died and there was no person or entity willing to assume control of the store, Defendant assumed operation of the store with the stated intent of protecting the assets, some of which were perishable. Defendant also believed the store would be more valuable at the time of foreclosure if it continued to remain open up until the time of sale. Defendant purchased new inventory and continued to operate the store until foreclosure took place. After foreclosure, and after deducting all expenses, etc., approximately $3,874.88 remained, which Defendant kept on deposit. Several years later, The Estate of Lonzo H. Kelley ("Plaintiff") filed suit making numerous challenges to Defendant's accounting practices, the manner in which Defendant operated the store, as well as its legal right to assume control of the store. Both parties filed motions for summary judgment. The Trial Court granted judgment to Plaintiff in the amount of $9,132.09, but determined Defendant was within its rights to assume control of the store and had not engaged in any wrongful acts while operating the store. Plaintiff appeals. We affirm.

Montgomery Court of Appeals

Alfred Akin v. Kylan Thompson
Authoring Judge: Judge Robert L. Jones
Trial Court Judge: Thomas W. Brothers
The plaintiff Alfred Akin was rear-ended by a vehicle driven by the defendant Kylan Thompson, who was uninsured. The Allstate Insurance policy on the Akin vehicle provided uninsured motorist coverage with limits of $100,000 per person and $300,000 per occurrence. Though in his personal vehicle, Mr. Akin was in the course and scope of his employment with the Metropolitan Nashville Water Works when injured. Metro government does not have a workers' compensation program, but has a benefit program for on-the-job injuries, under which it paid more than $100,000 for medical bills and disability benefits. The trial court held that Allstate's limits were reduced by amounts paid "under any workers' compensation law, disability law, or similar law . . . ." and also found that the loss of consortium claim of Mrs. Akin was derivative in nature and subject to the same $100,000 "each person" limit and reduction. We affirm the trial court's grant of summary judgment in favor of Allstate.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Mary Kelley v. Mahlon Johns
Authoring Judge: Judge William C. Koch, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Robert L. Jones
This appeal involves an intra-family dispute over the validity of an 88-year-old decedent's will leaving his farm to one of his nine children. After the will was admitted to probate in the Maury County Probate Court, six of the decedent's children filed suit in the Circuit Court for Maury County asserting that their father lacked testamentary capacity when he executed the will and that the will had been procured by undue influence by the child who received the farm. A jury determined that a confidential relationship existed between the decedent and his son when the disputed will was executed and that the will was procured by undue influence. Accordingly, the trial court entered an order invalidating the will and setting aside the pending probate proceeding. On this appeal, the child who received the farm from his father insists that the evidence does not support the jury's findings that he had a confidential relationship with his father and that he exerted undue influence over his father with regard to the substance of the will. We have determined that the record contains material evidence to support the jury's verdict and, therefore, affirm the judgment.

Maury Court of Appeals

P.E.K. v. J.M. and C.Y.M.
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Trial Court Judge: Jim T. Hamilton
This case, before this Court for the second time, involves an interstate battle between never-married parents over custody of a minor daughter. The trial court found that under the provisions of the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), the trial court had jurisdiction of the custody dispute and entered judgment awarding custody of the minor daughter to the Petitioner-Father. Mother has appealed. We affirm in part, reverse in part, and remand.

Wayne Court of Appeals

Marchella Richardson v. Terry Stacey
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Trial Court Judge: Robert E. Corlew, III
Plaintiff, landowner, sued defendant, adjoining landowner, to enjoin him from trespassing on her land, committing a nuisance, and for damages. Plaintiff secured a temporary restraining order, and after a nonjury trial, plaintiff was granted injunctive relief in several particulars and was awarded compensatory and punitive damages. Defendant appeals. We modify in part and affirm as modified.

Rutherford Court of Appeals

Patricia Grice v. Larry Grice
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Trial Court Judge: Leonard W. Martin
This appeal arises from a divorce proceeding initiated by the wife. The trial court, holding that both parties contributed to the demise of the marriage, granted the parties a divorce. The trial court then granted the wife rehabilitative alimony for a period of eighteen months, as well as alimony in solido, but denied the wife's request for alimony in futuro. The primary issue on appeal is whether the trial court erred in granting the wife rehabilitative alimony as opposed to alimony in futuro. For the following reasons, we affirm, as modified.

Humphreys Court of Appeals

Joseph Meadors v. Sonya Danielle Shrum
Authoring Judge: Judge Holly M. Kirby
Trial Court Judge: C. L. Rogers
This case involves a petition to modify visitation. The mother and father were divorced in January 1999. By agreement, the mother was granted custody of the parties' minor child, and the father was given visitation. The divorce decree provided that the father's visitation schedule would change from week to week depending on father's fluctuating work schedule in his job as an emergency medical technician. This schedule necessitated repeated negotiating between the mother and the father to agree on the father's visitation schedule. In April 2001, the father petitioned the court for "standard" every-other-weekend visitation, without regard to his work schedule, in order to end the parties' pattern of negotiating and bickering. The trial court determined that the parties were unable to work together amicably, and ordered "standard" every-other-weekend visitation in order to minimize the interaction between the parties. The mother now appeals. We affirm, finding that the parties' inability to implement amicably the ordered visitation arrangement constituted a sufficient change in circumstances to warrant the slight modification in visitation.

Sumner Court of Appeals

David Anthony Norman v. Melissa Dawn Norman
Trial Court Judge: Russell Heldman

Williamson Court of Appeals

Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Trial Court Judge: C. L. Rogers

Sumner Court of Appeals

Alison Rinner v. Robert Rinner
Authoring Judge: Judge Holly M. Kirby
Trial Court Judge: Muriel Robinson
This is a divorce case. The father and mother were both forty-one years old and had a six-year-old daughter. The trial court ordered the father to pay rehabilitative alimony, child support, and a portion of the mother's attorney's fees. On appeal, the father argues that the trial court improperly considered bonus money the father had received, that it erred in not ordering that child support on income in excess of $10,000 be placed in trust, that it erred in ordering him to pay rehabilitative alimony and a portion of the mother's attorney's fees, and also erred in failing to assign tax liability regarding certain stock options. We affirm the trial court's calculation of child support, the decision not to pay a portion of the child support into a trust, the order to pay rehabilitative alimony and a portion of the mother's attorney's fees, and find that the trial court was not required to assign tax liability as to the stock options.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Brenda Lehman v. Sylvia Vines
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Trial Court Judge: Walter C. Kurtz
Plaintiff-attorney sued former client for balance of amount due under fee agreement. In a nonjury trial, the trial court found that the client owed a balance of $4,209.00, and entered judgment for plaintiff in that amount. The client appeals, and we reverse and remand.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Sumner Co. Bd of Ed. v. Mansker Farms
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Trial Court Judge: Tom E. Gray
This is a dispute over an option contract. Mansker Farms, a land developer, offered the Sumner County School Board an option on land in its development to build a school. A dispute arose over whether a condition precedent existed in the contract and whether the nonfulfillment of this condition prevented the School Board from exercising the option. The trial court found that no valid contract existed because there was no meeting of the minds between Mansker Farms, who gave the option, and the Sumner County Board of Education, who attempted to exercise the option. For the following reasons, we affirm the ruling of the trial court.

Sumner Court of Appeals

Trial Court Judge: A. Andrew Jackson

Dickson Court of Appeals

Trial Court Judge: Walter L. Evans

Shelby Court of Appeals

Jackie D. Dillard v. Meharry Medical College, et al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Trial Court Judge: Judge Hamilton V. Gayden, Jr.

The jury returned a verdict for the defendant surgeon and hospital in this medical malpractice action. The plaintiff argues on appeal that the trial court committed reversible error at several stages of the trial, including jury selection, witness testimony and jury instructions. We affirm the trial court.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Strategic Capital Resources, Inc., et al., v. Dylan Tire Industries, LLC., et al.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor Ellen Hobbs Lyle

Strategic Capital Resources, Inc. and FPE Funding, LLC sued the buyer and seller of the Pirelli tire plant in Nashville and other parties involved in structuring and financing the transaction. The complaint alleged that the buyer and seller breached an agreement with Strategic, and that other parties were guilty of fraud, inducement of breach of contract, conspiracy, and had been unjustly enriched at the expense of Strategic.. The Chancery Court of Davidson County granted the defendants' Tenn. R. Civ. P. 12.06 motion to dismiss because Strategic's contract with the buyers did not bind the buyer to deal exclusively with Strategic. We affirm.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Carolyn Phelps v. Michael McGill, Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, et al.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge W. Frank Crawford
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor Joe C. Morris

Plaintiff was discharged from her employment for making a false statement concerning her health in her application for employment to defendant-employer. The false statement was discovered some years after her employment commenced when she sustained an injury at work which had no relation to the false answers in the application. Plaintiff was denied unemployment benefits because of work-related misconduct which was affirmed by the Board of Review. Plaintiff filed a Petition for Judicial Review in the chancery court. The chancery court affirmed the Board of Review, and plaintiff appeals. We affirm.

Madison Court of Appeals

The National Mutual Insurance Company, v. Jo Ivory Polk
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge W. Frank Crawford
Trial Court Judge: Judge Rita L. Stotts

This is a declaratory judgment action brought by an insurer seeking to void a property insurance policy for alleged misrepresentation in the application for the policy. The insured filed a counter claim seeking recovery under the policy. The trial court granted the insurance company's motion for summary judgment and declared the policy void ab initio. We reverse and remand.


Shelby Court of Appeals

Lawrence County v. Jerry Brewer, et al .
Authoring Judge: Judge William B. Cain
Trial Court Judge: Robert L. Holloway
This matter involves a dispute over payment of solid waste disposal fees, which the Lawrence County Commission attempted to charge the citizens of Lawrence County, and application of late payment penalties to these fees. Lawrence County filed complaints in order to collect overdue solid waste fees that the Commission allegedly enacted on May 25, 1999 by Resolution #11052599. The trial court determined that Resolution #11051599 did not impose any solid waste fees on the residents of Lawrence County and dismissed Plaintiff's complaints. We affirm the trial court.

Lawrence Court of Appeals

In Re: Estate of Vivian McSwain
Authoring Judge: Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Frank G. Clement, Jr.
Robert L. Poe, in his capacity as the executor of the Estate of Vivian K. McSwain, filed a motion to set his fee and expenses. Following a bench trial on the executor's motion, the trial court awarded the executor $20,000. The executor appeals, arguing that the award is inadequate. We affirm.

Davidson Court of Appeals

K. Mahendra Chowbay v. Brian Davis, et al.
Authoring Judge: Judge David Michael Swiney
Trial Court Judge: Marietta M. Shipley
In this premises liability case, K. Mahendra Chowbay ("Plaintiff") sued the owners of a club, Silverado's Saloon and Dance Hall ("Silverado's"), for injuries Plaintiff received during an assault by one of Silverado's patrons, Brian Davis. Plaintiff also sued Davis. Silverado's owners, Pat Patton and Eight Track Management Company, LLC, d/b/a Silverado's Saloon and Dance Hall ("Defendants"), filed a Tenn. R. Civ. P. 12.02(6) motion to dismiss which must be treated as a motion for summary judgment because matters outside the pleadings were submitted to the trial court. Defendants contended in their motion that since Davis' assault of Plaintiff occurred on property neither owned nor operated by Defendants, Defendants owed no duty of care to Plaintiff to protect him from such an assault. The trial court granted Defendants' motion. Plaintiff appeals. We affirm.

Davidson Court of Appeals