Jeffrey Lynn Myers v. State of Tennessee

Case Number

This is an appeal as of right from the denial of post-conviction relief. The Defendant, Jeffrey Lynn Myers, was convicted of one count of attempted rape upon entry of a best-interest guilty plea. He was sentenced to six years' imprisonment as a Range I, standard offender. The Defendant filed a petition for post-conviction relief and received an evidentiary hearing. The trial court subsequently denied the Defendant's petition, and he now appeals to this Court. He argues multiple issues, all of which we find to have been waived because the claims are either (1) not proper issues for a post-conviction proceeding, (2) not properly preserved for appeal, or (3) not reviewable due to an incomplete record. We affirm the judgment of the trial court.

Authoring Judge
Judge David H. Welles
Originating Judge
Judge Lillie Ann Sells
Case Name
Jeffrey Lynn Myers v. State of Tennessee
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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