Anthony Dewight Washington v. State of Tennessee

Case Number

Anthony Dewight Washington (“the Petitioner”) appeals the post-conviction court’s denial of his petition for post-conviction relief.  The Petitioner argues that trial counsel’s performance was deficient in failing to file a motion asking for the recusal of the trial judge, failing to file a motion to suppress evidence from a search of the Petitioner’s home, and failing to communicate with the Petitioner, investigate witnesses, and develop a trial strategy or defense.  The Petitioner argues that counsel’s deficiency prejudiced him because, but for the deficiencies, he would have accepted the State’s plea offer instead of proceeding to trial.  Upon thorough review of the appellate record and the applicable law, we affirm the judgment of the post-conviction court.

Authoring Judge
Judge Robert L. Holloway, Jr.
Originating Judge
Judge Cheryl A. Blackburn
Case Name
Anthony Dewight Washington v. State of Tennessee
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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